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Monday, February 15, 2021

Happy President's Day & a Little Quilting

Happy President's Day. I pulled out a few patriotic cross stitch pieces to celebrate the day.  Digging through my picnic basket of patriotic stitching made me so excited . I think I need a patriotic start tonight, but I have not decided what it will be yet. 


The little round cross stitch is called "Flag Day in the Potting Shed" by With Thy Needle and Thread. I have 2 Lizzie Kate pieces  " Liberty " which  is a freebie  and can be found here  and "USA Squared" .  The little pin pillow is from Shepherds Bush called "Home of the Brave. 

I finished the binding on the Valentine's quilt last night. A great way to end Valentine's


I had strip pieced this quilt from strips and crumbs from other projects in 2020. I was thrilled to include 2 fabrics from my girls' childhood clothing. I had completed the piecing and quilting last year so all that was left was the binding.  I look forward to displaying this quilt next February.  


I was so surprised on Valentine's Day by hubby.  About a month ago, we went to a little antique shop. I was on the search for some jadeite and vintage Santa or snowman mugs, but instead I spotted this quilt top. I mulled it over but ended up leaving it behind which I regretted.  Hubby snuck back and got it one evening. I was thrilled when he gave it to me last night along with a dozen roses and some sweet smelly candles. 

This quilt is hand pieced and a little wonky. There are so many wonderful retro fabrics from clothing and feedsacks. 

The color combination of scrap older quilts is what really tugs at my heart. 

Doesn't some of those fabrics look like the 1960's or 70's? 

I wonder how many decades are represented in these fabrics. Oh that bold red. 

I can not wait to get this full size quilt in a hoop. I have to search for some backing fabric in the Quilt Nest and order some batting and then we are good to go. 

So in the works this week will be the scrap blocks that I have been working on as a leader/ender project. It is a combination of some nine patches and rail fence blocks. 

I have been playing with the blocks on the floor. It is going to be a small quilt. I am planning on draping it over a bench in the future. 

Well I am off to the Quilt Nest to do a little piecing. Hope you have a lovely evening and thank you so much for the sweet visit and as always...

Happy quilting, ya'll. 


I am linking up to these sweet ladies wonderful blogs. I hope that you will check them out. There is a lot of fun always going on there. 

Judy at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts with Design Wall Monday

Beth at Love Laugh Quilt for Monday Making

Cynthia at Quilting is More Fun than Housework for Oh Scrap


  1. That flimsy from the antique shop is lovely and a gorgeous display of patriotic stitching.

    1. Aah thank you so much. I was so excited to receive this quilt top. I just got batting for it this week and hope to find backing soon. Have a great week.

  2. I immediately thought 60's when I saw the old quilt. You'll have fun quilting it, happy stitching!

    1. Aah thank you so much, Gretchen. I can not wait to start quilting it. The fabrics are fun and make me smile. Thank you dear for the sweet visit.

  3. Your little heart quilt looks great. What a beautiful quilt top you were gifted, Melisa!

    1. Thank you so much, Robin. I was quite surprised with this gift. Hubby did good. Lol. hugs.

  4. What a lovely surprise! A vintage top and flowers!
    Those old, scrappy fabrics are so interesting!
    Stay safe and sew on !

    1. Thank you so much, Deb. I agree the fabrics are a lot of fun to look at . I am sure I will be doing a lot of daydreaming about the maker once I start quilting. Thank you so much , dear for the sweet visit.

  5. Oh my yes those fabrics look like several different decades. The wild floral prints remind me of the 70s and the hippie/anti war time. The blue with the pink flowers reminds me of a calico I used for something for my daughter. I’m sure others can give you more hints. Hubby gets extra kisses for that sweet surprise. We decided not to do anything. Such is Covid. And not being highly motivated. All is good though. Have fun in your Nest.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Bonnie. It is so much fun to look over the fabrics and try to figure out what time period they are. Hubby did good. I hope you have a lovely week.

  6. I feel like I'm stepping into a fairy tale land when I visit your blog! It's all the beautiful colors and old fashioned stitchery.
    BTW, thanks for stopping by my blog! You pull up as a and I'm not able to locate your email address. Hmmm...

    1. Well that is the sweetest compliment, Nancy. Thank you so much. I will try to figure that out as to why my blog comes up like that. I'm all new to this and not very tech savvy and very surprised that I have got this far. Lol. I hope you have a blessed week filled with quilting

  7. What a nice Valentines gift from hubby, and flowers too! It will be fun to use the quilt and admire the variety of old fabrics in it. (Incentive to get it in the hoop soon)

    1. So true, Judy. I have got the batting now and need a backing and then I am good to go on the quilting. It will be a lot of fun quilting on it. Thank you so much for the sweet visit, dear.

  8. Melissa,
    I love all the bright and cheery colors that you use!! So pretty!!


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