Blog Archive

Friday, February 26, 2021

Doing the Happy Chicken Dance- A quilt top finish

Good evening and happy Friday, dear friends. It has been a rainy, dreary day today, but that has not dampened my day. I have been puttering around the house pulling out spring decor and playing in the Quilt Nest. 

 It was a  perfect day to bring a little sunshine into my quilting with some yellow nine patches.  Two and a half inch squares were cut from scraps of yellow and white fabrics.  In no time,   a few squares were made as my mind brewed over what the final result will be. I haven't settled on that yet. 

I also did a little strip piecing of some crumbs and scraps which will probably  be turned into a bee related quilt. 


Speaking of bees, some bee skeps are in the works.


 I made a bee skep quilt  last year and loved it . I do think I need another. 

For the last few weeks, I have been working on my chicken quilt.

 I started off with nine patches. Those nine patches were incorporated into Puss in the Corner blocks. 

Then I began appliqueing sweet chickens. 

 This week I have pieced the blocks together.


 Today I added simple borders using strips of black and red fabrics, and now I am ready to quilt Woo Hoo! I am doing the happy chicken dance. 🐔🐥


 Just need to choose a backing. I can not wait to have this quilt hanging in the kitchen. 

But first, I still need to add some eyes and decide if these hens will get an appliqued wing or not. 

Well that has been my day in a nutshell or should I say egg shell.  Have you been doing something that you love? I sure hope so. Thank you so much, dear friends for visiting. Have a lovely weekend and as always...
Happy Quilting, ya'll
I am linking up to some wonderful blogs. I hope you will check these delightful ladies out. They have beautiful quilts and a whole lot of fun going on in their neck of the woods plus links to other amazing needleworkers. 

Angela at So Scrappy for Scrap Happy Saturday. 
Alycia at  Alycia Quilts for Finished or Not Friday
Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict for Can I Get a Whoop Whoop
Michelle from Bolt to Beauty for Beauty Pageant 118

Friends are like quilts ; they never lose their warmth.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you so much Allison for visiting and for leaving such a sweet comment. It has been fun to applique. Happy quilting.

  2. Your chicken quilt is adorable, Melisa! Have fun with the quilting of it.

    1. Thank you so much, Robin. I hope to start quilting on it this week if I can find a backing. Thank you for the sweet visit.

  3. Your chicken quilt is lovely and so springy! Happy stitching!

    1. Aah thank you so much, Gretchen . I am so excited to have it pieced now to get down to the quilting . That is the fun part. Have a lovely week.

  4. Your blogs are like your fabrics and attitude- cheerful and bright

    1. Oh, Jackqueline that is is the sweetest compliment. Thank you so much. I try to be cheerful. I tell my girls all the time to be a Positive Polly . Lol. You made my day, dear.

  5. I love your chicken quilt. The colors are fun, they would brighten up any kitchen.

    1. Thank you so much, Katie. I have the perfect place for it. I have had the same quilt hanging for years and I think it is time for a change. The chicken quilt will definitely brighten the little nook on my wall. Thank you again for the sweet visit.

  6. Thank you for sharing your quilting sunshine with us. Very pretty and oh so cheerful!!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Maureen. I enjoy quilting so much; when I am in my quilt room I loose all sense of time. Lol. Thank you for the sweet visit. Have a blessed week.

  7. Quelle merveille toutes ces couleurs. Oui, le printemps arrive, ce qui me réjouit, je déteste le froid, la neige, la grisaille... Vive le soleil qui met de la joie.
    Amitiés de France,

  8. What a happy sight your chicken quilt is, Melisa! Fun colors and fabrics. Enjoy the quilting process :)

    1. Thank you so much, Carol. I am so excited to have it pieced and ready to quilt. Have a great week.

  9. i think you should video the *happy chicken dance* for us haha!! What a cute quilt that is! and all that happy yellow - hope that counteracted the dreary day!

    1. Aah thank you so much, Alycia. I think my kids would bury their heads if I did that, but my grandsons would love it.Lol. Thank you so much for visiting and for the fabulous link party.

  10. Qu'est-ce que c'est joli cet ouvrage printanier et de Pâques !

  11. Melisa,
    Such pretty fabric and your chicken quilt is so darn charming....
    Stay safe, healthy and happy!!


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