Blog Archive

Monday, August 24, 2020

Woo Hoo! Another Fall Freebie! - Crow Creek Saltbox Cross Stitch

 Hey, ya'll! Thank you so much for coming to visit me today and checking out my little stitch called Crow Creek Saltbox. 

Free-Vintage-Crow-Image-2-GraphicsFairy.jpg (1557×1788)

When my children were younger, we used to take them to a little farm called Crow Creek where there was all kinds of fun fall activities . We always started out our visit with the corn maze where we always saw crows despite the scarecrows and the number of people visiting.   The first year we went straight through the maze with no problem. The 2nd year it was a little more difficult with more twists and turns in the maze. The girls would then go play in the grain box which was filled with corn. This area was a favorite of all the children because there was always a lot of kids there. Thankfully, it was in a little hay barn with swings where the adults could sit and watch the children at play.  Before we would leave the farm, we would take a short hay ride  to the pumpkin field where we could each pick a pumpkin and a  twig of cotton . Sometimes in the distance we could  see cotton being baled in another field.   This stitch was all inspired by that little farm.

This is a small stitch measuring 65 W x 70 H. I stitched mine on 14 count tea/coffee dyed aida which would make it measure 4 5/8" x 5".


As always, I used what floss I had on hand which  was DMC. I knew when I created this little saltbox that I wanted a yellow home so I used DMC 783, but it would look great  in other colors as well. 

I ended up stitching this into a little pillow. I was going to put a chenille trim along the seams but opted not too. I hope to create a couple more seasonal saltboxes in the future  about the  same size. 
If you are interested in stitching  Crow Creek Saltbox,  you can download it below. Because I am not tech savvy , each page is  a separate pdf. 

For the instruction page , click here

For the colored chart pdf, click here .

For the black and white pdf chart, click here

For the color pdf alphabet chart, click here  . 

For the symbol alphabet chart, click here

You may need to make adjustments in size of your initials and placement. I played around with the placement of mine . 

Most of  my drawings are usually intended for quilts. I ended up taking motifs from my sketches to create a little quilt to go along with  my Crow Creek cross stitch. If you are interested in seeing more about the quilt and candle wrap, check out tomorrow's post and get the free doodles to make something of your own.  
Thank you so much for visiting with me and if you decide to stitch Crow Creek Saltbox please tag me on IG using #pinkernpunkinquilting I would love 💗  to see your stitch. Using the hashtag ensures a better chance for me to see it  because of the device that I work off of 😀. You can always direct message me on Instagram too!  I hope you have a blessed day and go do something you love!!. As always, 
Happy Stitching, 
If you missed last week's Fall Freebie, " Rosie's Pumpkins" click here. 


  1. Thank you for the pretty chart! This is my first visit to your blog and your photos are beautiful! You put me in an autumn spirit.

    1. Thank you so much, Lou for visiting me. I haven't been blogging long and I am learning, but I am enjoying every minute of it.I am getting into the autumn spirit though the temperatures outside are still saying summer. lol. I so appreciate you taking the time to check out my blog and for leaving such a kind comment. It means a lot. Have a great week and happy stitching. Hugs, Melisa

  2. Crow Creek Saltbox is darling, Melisa! Would you say it was a companion to America Cottage? I enjoyed reading the back story to it. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Hi Robin. I so appreciate your sweet words. Crow Creek is in the mail and heading your way . I just finished stitching the Autumn Cottage that goes with the America. I will be sending that one to you as soon as I get the instructions completed. I hope to have a Christmas or Winter version of both houses soon. I am having a ball working on these. Lol. Have a great rest of the week. Hugs, Melisa

  3. What a sweet stitch....It appears I am really loving houses....this one is no exception !

  4. Lol thank you, Joan. I love the prim look of salt boxes and this one was a fun one to stitch. The little farm that we used to go to called Crow Creek didn't have a salt box, but an old white farmhouse but I wanted an Autumn yellow house. Lol. I hope you are getting in some stitching or quilting. Hugs, Melisa

  5. This is darling, Melisa! It reminds me of a Prairie Schooler design and you know I love my PS stitching :) Thank you so much for your cute chart--you are very talented!

    1. Oh such a wonderful compliment, Carol. Thank you so much. I feel so humbled. I love Prairie Schooler too. Hugs, Melisa

  6. Melisa , Thank you so much for your freebies ❤️ Love them ALL 🥰

    1. Oh welcome, Druscilla . Thank you so much for visiting me ;I am so tickled. And you are so welcome. I have had so much fun creating these and even more sharing. Have an awesome week. Hugs, Melisa

  7. Oh welcome, Druscilla . Thank you so much for visiting me ;I am so tickled. And you are so welcome. I have had so much fun creating these and even more sharing. Have an awesome week. Hugs, Melisa

  8. Thanks so much for these sweet freebies! I love to stitch a small and get that gratification of a quick finish. I've become a follower and can't wait to stitch some up!

    1. You are so welcome, Suzanne for your kind comment and for following me. I am all new to blogging and charting so it has been a fun learning experience. I hope you enjoy the little designs. Please feel free to change them how ever you like. I just used what I have on hand. Have a beautiful day.

  9. I saw your sweet design this morning on IG and then on FB. Took it as a sign I need to stitch it! Thanks you, Melisa for your generosity! ♥️

    1. That was a good sign wasn't it? I am so happy that you stopped by to get this little freebie. I am new to charting and am doing it just for fun. It has been a fun learning experience and a joy to share. I hope you enjoy the design. Thank you so much for visiting me and hope you drop back in.

  10. This pattern is adorable! Thanks for sharing.

    1. You are so very welcome, Amy. Thank you so much for coming to visit and for putting this little design on your future stitch list. I hope you enjoy it and consider coming back for a visit. Happy stitching, Melisa

  11. My first visit, love you pictures and content!! I'll looking often at all your creativity!!
    Thank you!

  12. Thank you for this great chart - I love the yellow house.

  13. thanks for the chart I just finished it and love it. I left your initials in as it adds to the chart. them I out my initials and year at the bottom

    1. Oh I am so touched that you stitched this little piece. It is one of my favorite saltboxes and I am tickled pink that you enjoyed it. I have been working on a new fall one that I hope to post soon. I bet yours is just lovely. Thank you so much for the kind words and for stitching this little design. Happy stitching.

  14. Replies
    1. Aah thank you so much, dear. This is one of my favorite stitches. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did . Have a fabulous day and happy stitching.

  15. Trop beaux comment fabriquez vous les coussins ? Merci


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