Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Aunt Bea's Summer Home - A Summer Freebie

It is another beautiful day in the south. There is a chance of rain each day of the week. Though it makes the summer days a bit muggy, I love seeing how green and fresh everything looks. The tree limbs always hang so low after the rain. 

The view from my front porch. 

 I have always wanted to live in a yellow house, but that will never be.  But I can stitch one 😃and this one has had an addition  to it- a bee skep on the roof.  It might be a little difficult for the bee keeper to check the hive, but the bees are probably pretty happy especially with all of the overgrown flowers nearby.  

This is Aunt Bea's Summer House which has been buzzing around in my head for a couple of weeks until I had to stitch it - I just could not stop thinking about it.

Some smaller bee skeps are nestled in a little red wagon underneath the flora. 

Wouldn't this little motif bee cute to stitch on its own?

I finished my little house like the other homes I have been creating - a simple little pillow finish which is  as easy as falling off a log and super quick too .  

If you are interested in stitching this little house , I invite you to check out the pdfs below. 

Many of you know , but I always like to leave this little disclaimer.  

I stitch my little designs for fun and to decorate my home. I feel very blessed by this community and love sharing my little charts, but I am not a professional designer. And I do not have professional software. Thank you for understanding that I  have to put each page on separate pdf downloads because of the devices I use. I apologize for that.  And I am always grateful for your kind encouragement , your visits, and stitching my little designs.

Click here for instruction page. 

Click here for colored chart.  

Click here for black and white chart. 

I would like to take a moment to show you my other homes that I have shared in previous posts. I love seeing them all together.

  If you would like to visit any of the other homes in my village, just click on the name of the house you are interested in  and you will be directed to the post with the pdf. 

Well I am off to enjoy the day. What's on the agenda? Wednesdays are usually a day spent in the Quilt Nest. I do have some purple nine patches that need to be churned out. Fingers crossed I can make that happen. Lol.  Have a beeautiful  day and as always...
Happy stitching, ya'll.
The hum of bees is the voice of the garden. 
Hugs and stitches.
I do feel like it has been awhile since I have told you how much I appreciate each and every one of you . You pick me up, lift my spirits, and provide me so much encouragement. Thank you for being you and for your kindness, sweet visits, and comments. 


  1. I'm a fan of house motifs and your collection of stitched home pillows are really so very lovely. I used to have a collection of little houses but gave them away at some point and my husband was none too happy as it turns out he liked them. Now I wish I hadn't given them away. :)

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Tammy. I have love stitching houses and find them quite relaxing. Aah I bet your houses were so pretty . Were they stitched too? I hope they found a good home, but I feel your pain on wishing you had them back. I did something similar years ago with some of my paintings, but luckily my sister has those. So I know they are well taken care of. Have a very blessed day.

  2. That's a beautiful view from your front porch. I love the summer rain here in the South, too and the afternoon thunderstorms. That's the sweetest little pillow! The bee motif would be very sweet on it's own. The houses look fabulous together. Thank you so much for sharing your lovely designs with us.

    1. Happy Wednesday, Sue . Thank you so much for visiting me today. It has been another rainy morning but the rain has let up for a bit. I so appreciate your sweet compliment and hope that you enjoy this little design. Have a fabulous day.

  3. You have a wonderful neighborhood of houses! Hope you have a very productive Wednesday.

    1. Aaaw thank you so much, Kate. My neighborhood is slowly growing and I see no end in sight. Lol. I find stitching houses to be very relaxing. I hope that you have a wonderful day . Hugs

  4. I love your house collection. This new yellow must be my favorite so far, but who could choose just one? I’ve always wanted to live in a yellow house, too!

    1. Happy Wednesday, Penny . I agree there is something about a yellow house. Lol. I did not know how this one would turn out but I dreamed of this little house and could not let it go. Lol. I am so glad that I have it all stitched up now. I hope you have a very lovely day . Hugs.

  5. Another winner, Melisa! Thank you so much for sharing! I'm ready to leave my job so I can stitch full time with all these sweet designs you provide to us. Have a beeeeutiful day!

    1. Lol Thank you so much, Shelly for the sweet visit, compliment and giggle. Lol I wish you could spend the whole day stitching too. I bet you would be in heaven. I hope you have a very beeautiful day too. Hugs.

  6. Thank you very much for your generosity! I love them all! On the top of your blog you show a larger sampler with a blue house with an American flag & eagle. Is this your design? if so is the chart available for sale? I just love it!
    Thanks again!

    1. Aaah thank you so much. That is one of my designs and I have had so many wonderful compliments on it. I free handed that design last year before I learned to chart. I hope to chart it soon and post it here on my blog. I have never posted a large design so it would be fun to see if I could .

  7. Thank you very much Melissa. I enjoy seeing your house. They are most beautiful.

    1. Thank you so much, Jackie. I am really enjoying working on these little houses. To be honest I never thought I would come up with as many as I have. Lol. Thank you again for the sweet visit and have a fabulous evening.

  8. Thanks once again for your freebie house. I don't know how you manage to get them all stitched, love this little yellow house with the bees. Have to start today stitching this one. Love it!!

    1. Aww I am so excited you are going to be starting this one. I started stitching this one last week and it stitched up quickly . I so hope you enjoy it. Thank you so much for stopping by and happy stitching.

  9. Hello Melisa, Oh my goodness you've done it again!!! I love all of your patterns, you blow me away!! I just recently purchased all of the floss to start your houses well okay I may need a couple more now, lol. Thank you SO, SO MUCH for sharing you amazing talent with us and for being such a sweet and kind person!! I love seeing your displays they are always so beautiful!! PS I can not stand the wait...Ever since I saw a sneak peak of the reindeer in one of your "Saltbox Houses" pictures I'm dyeing to see it, lol. Will we get to see it during Christmas in July????......Hope you have a fantastic week, Thanks again!!! Brenda

    1. Hi , Brenda and Happy Wednesday. Oh I am so happy you stopped by for a visit and thank you so much for your sweetness. You made my day. Oh yes that little saltbox with the reindeer will be a Christmas in July piece. I had wanted to share it in December but time got away from me. Lol. I hope you have a wonderful week and happy weekend. Hugs.

  10. Ughhhh Melisa, I have no clue why my message says "Unknown" ughhhh, I am so sorry hopefully I can figure why it did that : ( Brenda

  11. Sorry me again, I think I figured out the problem. One more time because the third time is a charm...Am I known now, lol....

  12. Melisa, Aunt Bea’s Summer House is absolutely adorable. I think it might be my favorite of your houses, if picking just one is possible. 😀. You are super talented and I am so glad I found you. You have a great day.

    1. Hi Patti. I am so happy you stopped in for a visit to see my Aunt Bea's house. I turned out pretty cute. Lol at least in my eyes. Ahh , Patti, you have been one of my great supporters and brought me encouraging words early on in my blogging and charting journey and I appreciate you so much. Have a blessed week. Hugs.

  13. What a darling house you created, stitched, and finished!

    1. Aah thank you so much, Robin. You always make my day. I was so excited to see this little piece come together. At first I thought it might be a little weird, but I think it turned out cute. lol. Have a fabulous weekend. Hugs.

  14. Happy Wednesday, Sandra. Oh I agree I would love to live in one of these homes.Each one has their own little personalities and features that I love. The hard part would be choosing which one.Lol. I hope you have a very lovely day and thank you so much for the sweet visit.

  15. Je suis fan de ce nouveau modèle. J'aime beaucoup broder les maisons...
    Les abeilles bourdonnent au jardin elles apprécient la sauge en fleur et les pivoines...
    Amitiés de France,

    1. Aah thank you so much, Christel. I have always had a fondness for bees and was hoping to catch a swarm this year, but have been unsuccessful. This little piece was a delight to stitch and share. Thank you so much for the sweet visit and have a blessed week. Hugs

  16. merci pour cette jolie maison, bonne journée

    1. You are so very welcome and thank you for the sweet visit and for leaving such a kind compliment. I had a lot of fun stitching this piece . I hope that you enjoy it if you decide to add it to your stitch list. Have a wonderful day, dear.

  17. Melissa, you have done it again!!! I love a yellow house, I grew up in a yellow house in Illinois, way back when....We did have bees and several chickens, turkeys and one year 3 pigs! Loved growing up country! Thank you for all of your designs, I have trouble picking just one, I love them all. Have a wonderful happy day.

    1. Hi Mary. Thank you so much for stopping by for a visit. What a wonderful childhood memory of. I can just imagine chickens and turkeys and lol I just love pigs. There is nothing like country life is there? It is hard for me to chose a favorite too.Lol it always seems to be the one I am working on. I hope you have a very blessed day and happy stitching.

  18. Thanks Melisa! This is another cute design! Enjoy your day!

    1. You are so welcome and thank you so much, Teresa. I am so delighted that you stopped by and left the sweetest compliment. It has been a very lovely day so far. I hope that your day is filled with many blessings as well. Happy stitching.

  19. OMG! Your house collection is adorable! Love all those houses! Thank you for the new pattern.

    1. Thank you so much, Astrid. You are so kind. I have become quite obsessed with stitching houses and find them very relaxing. I hope you h ave a wonderful evening and happy quilting and stitching.

  20. Thank you for another adorable house pattern! I love how the whole collection looks together.

    1. Oh you are so welcome, Angela and thank you. It has been so much fun to create and share these little houses. Hope you enjoy

  21. Wow! Seeing all of your houses together is amazing, Melisa--you should be so proud of each of these cute designs and your bee house is a charming addition. Thank you again for your creativity and generosity :)

    1. Oh thank you so much for the sweet compliment, Carol . Every time I see a new one,I think this is my favorite. Lol. I love seeing them all together though.Have a blessed week.

  22. Thank you for all your designs I'm loving them & especially the Bea's House because I'm a Bea & a Bee lover Your generosity is very much appreciated.

    1. Aaah yah! This house is perfect for you Bea. I hope you put it on your stitch list. I so appreciate your sweet visit and compliment. You brought a smile tomy day.

  23. Just stumbled on your free little house charts this morning! So stinkin' cute and incredibly generous of you. I see many little house pillows at my house!!

    1. Aah thank you so much, Julie. I have been 'playing" with charting for about a year now and have enjoyed every minute of creating and sharing. I hope you find a little stitch to add to your list. Happy stitching.

  24. Melisa,
    I love this sweet yellow house... So cute and it is amazing to see all of your little houses together...Just darling... Thanks so much for visiting!!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Debbie. I have been obsessed with stitching houses and am trying to build up my bee decor for late summer. This little house is going to be a fun addition. Have a great week.

  25. So sweet! I love how you admit you'll never live in a yellow house, but you can stitch one!!!

    1. Aah thank you so much, Nancy. It is fun to stitch my dream house. Lol. Have a great week and hope you get in lots of quilting.

  26. I love your little houses and hope to stitch them all. So far I have only done Katie Anne's Saltbox. I can't wait for your Christmas on July one!
    Janet Fletcher

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Janet. It has been a joy to share these little houses and I am so thrilled that you have stitched Katie Anne's saltbox. It is based on the house my Great grandma grew up in though it wasn't a saltbox. I look forward to sharing the Christmas one soon. Happy stitching.

  27. Just love your little house stitcheries. Thank you so much for sharing

    1. You are so kind, Bridget. Thank you so much for the sweet visit and compliment. The little houses are so much fun to work on and I was so excited to share this one. I hope you have a wonderful week and happy stitching.

  28. I so enjoy your blog! I don't comment often, but I'll work on it ;)

    Your designs are a pleasure to stitch, and I've been especially fond of the bee projects you've been doing!
    Thank you, and have fun on your trip!

    1. Aah thank you so much. I am so thrilled that you have been enjoying these little designs. I have had a ball stitching and creating the bee pieces. Have a blessed day and happy stitching.

  29. Your houses are just beautiful. Thank you so much for the freebies, I can't wait for my tennis elbow to go away so I can stitch one up!

    1. Aaah thank you so much Vicki for the kind words and visit. I hope that you are healed up and doing much better. Happy quilting and stitching.

  30. Oh goodness....you are so busy!!! I just love your designs and your blog!! Thank you so much for sharing your talent so generously!!! I just love it all!!!!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Michelle. I truly appreciate your kind words and your sweet visit. Have a wonderful day and happy stitching.

  31. I was so delighted to discover this design. Thank you so much!

    1. Aaah thank you so much. it is one of my favorites and I sure hope you enjoy it. Happy stitching.

  32. Thank you so very much for sharing. I purchased an antique gold panning pan a couple of weeks ago and am busy filling it with little house pillows. This design is perfect. Take care and have a great day!

    1. Oh Cheryl, thank you so much for the sweet visit and compliment.What a treasure that you found and I just know it is going to look darling with all of your handmade pillows. I am so excited that you will be adding Aunt Bea's to it as well. I am so very honored. Thank you so much for bringing a smile to my day. Happy stitching and Merry Christmas.

  33. I love seeing all the houses together. And yes, that wagon with skeps in it and the flowers standing tall above would make a wonderful little piece by itself.


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