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Monday, February 22, 2021

A Crazy Question & Erin Ewe - A St. Patrick's Day Freebie

Welcome dear friends. I have a crazy question. Have you ever wondered what a leprechaun's hat is called?  I was thinking about that as I was stitching my newest St. Patrick' Day piece; so being the "Curious George" that I am,  I  had to google it. I found that a leprechaun's hat goes by many names such as an Irish cap, a newsboy cap, an Irish tweed cap, a cabbie cap, or an ivy cap. I find little trivial things so interesting. lol.😃 My children would be shaking their heads right now if they heard me rambling on about such. 

This is my newest St. Patty's Day stitch that I whipped up for my decor. It is called "Erin Ewe'. Some of you know that I am on a sheep kick right now.  Speaking of sheep - let me ramble off some sheep trivia that I learned in respect to Ireland. 😆😘


-  In 2016 there were more sheep in Ireland than there were humans with a population of 5.2 million sheep to the 4.8 million people living in Ireland.

- Most of the sheep living in Ireland are Scottish Black Faced Mountain Sheep which are white sheep with black faces. 

- Large numbers of foreign sheep were brought to Ireland starting in 1500. 

- Sometimes sheep are painted so the owners can easily  identify their sheep. 

Ok. That is enough of me talking about sheep, but it was fun for me to do a little research on them. If you would like to read more about the Irish sheep, check out this article at Hillwalk Tours  Blog  .

Now back to my stitch. As I was saying, this is Erin Ewe who is lazing about in an Irish tweed cap with sprigs of shamrocks for her munching pleasures. A little wool blanket is placed on her back with a tiny shamrock motif woven in it as well. Oh, I think she is so cute. 

I finished Erin Ewe into a little pin pillow with scraps of fabric. 

Erin is a small measuring 34 W x 33 H.  I stitched her on 14 count tea/coffee dyed aida which brought the measurements too around 2 3/8" squared.  

I used only 5 DMC floss colors which were 782, 3346, 3345, blanc, and 310. Because it was blocks of color, Erin stitched up fast.

If you would like to stitch Erin, just check out the pdfs below. I am sure you could have her stitched up in less than a couple of hours. 

For instruction page click here

Click here for the colored chart. 

Click here for the black and white chart. 

I hope to work on a few more sheep stitches in the future ,and of course I have got to get back to my chicken stitching. And bunnies are calling my name too. Wheew ! There is so much I want to stitch.  

I'm hoping to add a big button shamrock in the middle of the green gingham fabric. 

Well thank you dear friends for the sweet visit. You always brighten my day. Stay warm, safe and healthy and as always...

Happy stitching, ya'll


I would love to see your stitch. Please tag me on Instagram and use #pinkernpunkinquilting or you can always Direct Message me. 

May the blessings of each day be the blessings you need most. 


  1. I enjoyed the trivia, both hat and sheep. I will download the pattern and it will be my first Irish finish for the year. Thank you.

    1. Aah thank you so much, Jacqueline. I am so honored that this will be your first Irish stitch for the year. I am hoping to add a few St. Patrick's Day pieces this year. Happy stitching and thank you for the sweet visit.

  2. Erin is so cute! Thank you for thinking of us and giving us the layout of it. Your decorations are always so sweet! I don't have the knack for decorating. Now that I think about it, I need to take the rest of the Valentine decorations down. My sister-in-law always takes her decorations down promptly after the holiday and puts the new ones up. I tend to keep them until the end of the month. Hmmm. Wonder that what means about our personalities? I love visiting your blog. You have a fun quest for knowledge.

    1. Aah thank you so much, Kathy . You made my day. I still have some of my Valentine's up too, but I need to get it all down. Lol.Have a great week of quilting and looking forward to your next post.

  3. I 💚 your Erin Ewe project!!! Interesting sheep trivia facts, too!!!

    1. Aah thank you so much, Nancy. I have always enjoyed reading useless trivia. Lol. But that is ok. I hope you have a great day quilting. I got to work on my chicken quilt a bit so I hope to post it this week. Thank you for the sweet visit.

  4. This is darling and so much cuter than the one I have for St. Patrick's Day and March. Thank you!

    1. Aah thank you so much, Donna for the sweet visit and comment. I had a ball creating Erin. She made me smile the whole time that I stitched her. I hope you enjoy this little chart. Have a wonderful week.

  5. Replies
    1. Aah thank you so much, Robin. She was a lot of fun to create and stitched up quickly. I hope you have a great day. hugs

  6. Very pretty projects. Just curious, do you have real live sheep? Happy stitching!

    1. I so appreciate your sweet comment, Gretchen. I have always lived on a farm but the one animal we have never had is a sheep. Lol. And now I am obsessed with them. My hubby and I have a pig farm. My parents own a strawberry and cattle farm. I think I need a sheep though. Lol. Thank you so much for the visit, dear.

  7. Thank you for such a cute pattern. Will enjoy adding to my decorations.

    1. Oh you are so welcome and thank you for visiting and leaving the sweetest comment. I hope you enjoy this little stitch. I am slowly adding to my St. Patrick's Day decor. Happy Stitching.

  8. That is absolutely the cutest design and finish!!!! I don't think I have any St Patty's and this just might be my first.

    1. Aah thank you so much, Betty. I have slowly been adding to my St. Patty's stitches and this is the 1st of my own design. I am so honored that this may be your 1st. Have a very lovely day, dear.

  9. Replies
    1. Aah thank you so much Carlie for visiting and for leaving such a nice comment. I so hope that you enjoy this little stitch and that you stop back in for a visit soon. Have a lovely week.

  10. Melissa,
    so cute! You are getting me in the mood to decorate for St. Pat's Day which i really need right....I just have not been in the mood!!

    1. Oh I can not wait to see your St. Patty's Day decor. You are always an inspiration. Have a great day and thank you so much for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  11. Oh I love this. Thank you so much! My girlfriend and I had been wanting to go to Ireland for 40 years (since we were 20 lol) anyway, finally got to go in 2019 along with the husbands. Thank God we didn't have it scheduled for 2020 we would have been very disappointed if we couldn't go. So beautiful there and we got to watch a sheep herder - remarkable how the dogs work with the sheep.

    1. How wonderful, Karen that you got to visit Ireland. I can only imagine how beautiful and interesting it was. What a wonderful experience I have always wanted to visit there as well. Thank you so much for sharing and for visiting. You warmed my heart. Happy stitching.

  12. Aww... look how cute Erin is! (If I had had a girl, her name would have been Erin or Megan :) The sheep trivia was interesting--I had no idea there were so many in Ireland! Thank you again for this darling gift, Melisa ♥

    1. Aah thank you so much, Carol. Erin and Megan are pretty names; I have 2 family members by those names. I was surprised there were so many sheep there too. I would love to visit Ireland and see them in person. Thank you for the sweet visit , Carol. Happy stitching.

  13. Your little Rein Ewe chart is so sweet a d will be my first St. Patrick’s Day stitch. Thank you so much! I’ll be stitching her this weekend, for sure!

  14. Super cute! I think I might stitch this up tonight. I don't have many St. Patrick's Day decorations.


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