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Sunday, December 20, 2020

Strip Piecing, Four Patches and Quilt Happenings

It has been awhile since I have posted a quilty update. I have been quilting; I promise!  For the last few weeks on Sunday , I have been enjoying seeing all of the fabulous quilts on IG in the #sundayquiltstacks . Linda @quiltsinthebarn has been hosting this hashtag.  So much eye candy to see - I hope you check Linda and the hashtag out. 

I have been posing little stacks of quilts. I haven't ventured into pulling the big quilts out yet. 

The quilt behind the ironing board was completed in the mid 2000's and is one of my favorites. It was displayed years ago in a local Parade of Homes in an historical church with other quilts. I felt very honored to have this little quilt on display. This summer I had it displayed in the kitchen which made that area even cheerier .

 I pulled this little rocking chair into the house to get a little paint job. My sister had found this in the trash, and she knew I would do something with it. I originally had it on my porch and thought about putting a flower pot on it. It was a little broken down and needed some work done on it.  I ended up deciding to bring it in the house, making a few minor repairs , and painted it country blue. Now the grandbabies can not sit in it , but it is perfect for displaying a few small quilts. Here the little chair is in the kitchen with a little Homespun Elegance stitch on top. That little stitch will soon find its way to the tree. 

The first project on the agenda for the week was binding. Some quilters do not like binding, but I do not 
mind it all. It is a easy no brainer project to work on while riding down the road or while I visit family members. I got several quilts bound. The first was this small mug rug size quilt "In the Meadow We can Build a Snowman" . I embroidered this a couple of years ago and just pieced and quilted it this month. 

I pulled out a 2019 project- a stripped pieced Christmas tree quilt. I had only one more block to quilt. . 
Well I got that complete earlier this month and completed the binding. I love it. The only regret is that I did not make it bigger so I could hang it above the buffet, but  I could always make another one.

Strips of fabric were sewn on paper and then cut out into triangles and then appliqued down. A lot of the pieces were from the scrap bins, and even some of the girls's clothing is included.  The background fabric was from my Mom's stash from the 1980's .  Mom made Christmas aprons out of it. 

Finally the Santa Mug Little Quilt received it's binding, and now it is on display with the Santa mugs.  I posted the Santa Mug Doodle in a previous post. Click here to see it. 

A little red and green quilt was pieced last month. I sewed the binding on and now have it completed ready to be added to the Christmas quilts.  

Underneath the red quilt is the Rudolph quilt. The Rudolph fabric is from a nurse scrub shirt that I found at the Goodwill earlier this year. I fell in love with the fabric and knew I was going to make a quilt. I stewed over what pattern to use in order to get the most out of my fabric. I finally settled on the  "  Puss in the Corner" Quilt block pattern.  It is a lap size quilt but when finished will go in the kitchen over the bench. However for now  it is in the hoop ,and the quilting has begun. I do not expect to finish it until next year. 

1 1/2 inch green strips are being cut and little four patches are being made. I haven't got a plan yet for these.  I do know it will be a little quilt.

I am linking up with Kathy's Quilts Slow Sunday Stitching. Pop over  to Kathy's blog and see what she is up to and  visit other quilter's as well. Lots of fun going on over there. 

I am also linking up to Small Quilts and Doll Quilts for Design Wall Monday and Love Laugh Quilt for Monday Making. These blogs are awesome with oodles of inspiration.  Hope you visit. 

There is more going on in the quilt room, but  I will save that for another post.  Thank you for coming by to visit and as always...

Happy quilting, ya'll. 


I would love to see what you are up to in your quilting adventures . You can always Direct Message me in Instagram. 


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you so much for visiting and for your kind comment, Karla. Merry Christmas.

  2. Oh my goodness, each and every one of your Christmas quilts is filled with bright and merry colour and design. They are filled with sweet whimsy.

    1. Thank you so much, Kim for visiting me. I have the tendency to gravitate to cheery colors though I love all colors. I have been having a ball working on these little projects. Have a Merry Christmas . Hugs, Melisa

  3. You did a great job of linking up! Thanks for joining in the hand stitching party!
    I used to have a little Santa mug like the one you made into an adorable mini!
    So many fun photos... Merry Christmas!

    1. Aah thank you so much, Kathy. I was unsure if I could do it or not but it was easy peasey. Thank you so much for hosting the link party. What a great way to see other quilters' work and find new blogs. I am having a ball discovering new quilters. Have a Merry Christmas

  4. Melisa, I love to see your little quilts and the stories you share about them.

    1. Thank you so much, Robin. You always leave the sweetest compliments. It has been a challenge to juggle quilting and stitching trying to give them equal time. I love to quilt so much and get excited every time I enter the quilting room to create . Have a wonderful week . Hugs, Melisa

  5. Petits ou grandes toutes ces courtepointes sont superbes. Avec l'hiver qui arrive on peut se réchauffer en s'enroulant dedans pour les grandes ou les poser sur les genoux en dégustant une bonne tasse de chocolat chaud ou de thé. La tasse on la posera sur les plus petites.
    Amitiés de France,

  6. Oh thank you so much, Christel. They have been a joy to create. I think this winter I am going to pull out m larger quilts to work on , but the small ones give me quick satisfaction of a finish and look so warm and cozy. I hope you are doing well. Have a very Merry Christmas. Hugs, Melisa

  7. Your quilts are so special, Melisa, and that little pile of quilts on the blue rocking chair just makes me smile. It brings back wonderful memories of a very similar (if not identical!) rocking chair I had as a child :) Merry Christmas to you! ♥

  8. It's always so nice to see others Christmas quilts and goodies!

  9. What a lovely plethora of little quilts you have made!


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