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Monday, December 21, 2020

Feeling Very Blessed

Happy Monday and First Day of Winter. The countdown is on until Santa comes . I have to admit Christmas has come early for me , and I am feeling so blessed. 
This pretty winter card was sent to me by my dear friend, Robin. Isn't it a pretty country farmhouse scene? Love the little kitty in the window.  I wonder if that kitty is eyeing the little birdies. Hmmm. 

I am so grateful for all of the warm Christmas wishes and blessings that have been sent to me through Instagram, my blog and by mail. I can not tell you how much your thoughtfulness means to me.  I have met so many wonderful, kind stitchers this year. Your friendship, support , likes , encouragement, and visits have meant so much. 

I wanted to share a few of my sweet cards and Christmas gifts with you. These warm my heart and will be treasured. 


My sweet  friend , Georgia ,sent me this Santa card with a complimentary chart from Stitchy Kitty. It is called "Winter Blues" and is going to be a fabulous addition to my winter decor. I  enjoy stitching snowmen so much and usually bring out my collection after Christmas. This little card will fit right in with my Santa collection too. 

This lovely elegant card was sent by my dear friend , Nancy. Nancy always has such amazing stitches and her finishing is superb. She stitched me this darling snowflake ornament. She even added beading which gives it a bit of glitz.  Isn't the lace trim so pretty too?  

My friend Patience sent me a box of treasures. She hand knitted the pretty dish cloth which I now have on display next to my sink.  She also made me a project bag which will be perfect for my Christmas projects. 

Patience stitched me this sweet little birdie and love the finishing fabric she used. It is finished in a perfect pillow ornament.  I will enjoy this piece on display year round. 
She also made me this cute ornament filled with all kinds of vintage sewing treasures. 
What a fun little ornament . She even added little jingle bells inside . This will stay out all year on my vintage treadle. Love it and how creative. 

Patience also found these vintage Merry Bells and the sweetest Hallmark baking bear ornament. Patience knows that I enjoy little knick knacks and these fit right into my decor. 

I received a box from  my sweet friend Robin who also has been notoriously known for spoiling me. Lol. As I opened and peeled back the tissue paper, little surprises awaited. 

Robin stitched me this beautiful "Merry Christmas " ornament with a stocking and a little gift. It was trimmed with the prettiest cording. 

Robin knows that I have a love for strawberries since my family owns a strawberry farm. She sent the sweetest chenille strawberry pincushion and a handmade strawberry needle minder created by Michelle L. Palmer. The artwork is is amazing and so detailed. 

She also sent this wool and metal snowman. Isn't he so stinking cute? 

My dear friend, Christina sent my this gorgeous card and some Licorice Red floss. I am thinking this floss is going to be used in a January 1st start. Did you know red is one of my favorite colors, Christina? 

Now who can resist a Christmas tractor? No not me. Joan who loves country farm house decor like me sent me this card. This is a piece to be framed. The vintage Farmall reminds me of the one my dad had when I was little. I used to stand on the hitch as dad drove through the field. Lol. Good memories. 
I wish you could see the glitter on this pretty card sent to me by my dear friend Stacy and look at the wreath on the hitch. How cute? How pretty this card would be with my truck tree. 

Thank you so much, ladies for the beautiful cards and gifts. Your friendship is a treasure. 

And thank you all again for visiting and bringing me a lot joy during this challenging year. Have a very Merry Christmas and wishing you all many blessings throughout the New Year. As always...
Happy Stitching, 



  1. Oh my goodness, you have been blessed with beautiful gifts from your friends. Such a variety of pretties, all exquisite. It must give you great joy when you look at and touch each pretty. May you enjoy a beautiful and blessed Christmas.

  2. Oh melisa you are such an amazing person, what love gifts you were gifted you truly have some amazing friends . thank you for posting what I sent you in so glad that they bring you some joy MERRY CHRISTMAS MY STITCHY FRIEND

  3. Melisa, what a lovely assortment of gifts and cards you received. You are most deserving of the spoiling you received. Enjoy your day!

  4. Quel bonheur tous ces cadeaux remplis d'amitié. C'est toujours un grand plaisir de recevoir des trésors comme ceux-ci. Ca met du soleil dans le coeur les jours d'hiver froids, pluvieux, venteux ou neigeux...
    Je vous souhaite un très joyeux Noël.
    Amitiés de France,

  5. What great gifts. It was such fun to see what you received. Thank you for all the cross stitch charts you’ve shared with us.they are wonderful. Merry Christmas.

  6. Wonderful gifts for a kind and generous soul, Melisa! Thank you for all of your sweet charts this year--you are so talented and I'm happy to have gotten to know you! Wishing you and your family all the best in this coming year. Merry Christmas ♥

  7. Hola de nuevo, he ido a los archivos de Navidades del año pasado y he visto pdf preciosos, pequeños como a mi me gustan, me los voy a imprimir y ver si tengo tiempo de hacer alguno,muchas gracias por


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