Blog Archive

Saturday, March 22, 2025

A Bit of This and That

 Eeeeh! Blogger started working properly !

  Good morning, Sweet Peas and Happy Saturday! 

Yep, last night I was able to reply back to sweet messages on my blogs. Thank you so much for all of the tips and for making me feel better when I was frustrated.  And thank you for all of the ideas for the Summer SAL . Y'all came up with so many fabulous ideas!  I was so excited that I could not sleep last night thinking about them.  Hee! Hee! Hopefully , I can start creating soon.  

Yesterday , was a day of errands. Mr. Pinker and I  had our taxes done, and then we went shopping. I came home with 2 thrifty finds. - A small brown transferware plate made in Japan.  And....

... an enamelware coffeepot and bowl. I was doing the happy dance. 

The other day , Mr. Pinker placed the galvanized raised beds in the area where he will eventually stabilize them. We do not have any flat ground here in the holler except way down at the bottom of the driveway so these beds are on a hill  where wooden beds were placed in a terraced fashion.  

Mr. Pinker purchased these  Utopia Home Raised galvanized bed kits  from Amazon. They measure 4 ft x 2 ft x 1 ft though  various sizes are available.  Soon Mr. Pinker will position them exactly like he wants them and fill them with a mixture of farm soil and potting soil. 

I am still working on yellow blocks! How about you? 

Earlier this month , I pieced the yellow blocks for the "Around My Garden" quilt.  I appliqued colorful tulips in each block. 

I cannot wait to see what color Angela chooses for next month's challenge. 

Do you have any suggestions for future "Flowers " for the centers? 

I changed out the quilt above the buffet. A thrifted hexi flower quilt brightens up the room for spring.  

The large scales stay on the buffet. They were my Great Aunt Dot's and were always on this buffet when she owned it.  I filled the scales with Dollar Tree Spring plates. 

Have I talked your ears off?  I sure hope not. Well, I guess I better get off here.  I know you have places to go and things to stitch. I am sure I will get into something myself. 😀

I  will talk to you tomorrow that is if the sun shines and the creek don't rise. 

Have a beautiful day, dear friends...

 As Always, 

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, y'all


Thank you for the sweet visit. 

"Create your own sunshine!   " - unknown.

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

Dedicated to my baby sister, Amy.  Love and miss you, Amo. 

 I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needleworkers to meet. 

Jennifer at Inquiring Quilter for Wednesday  Wait Loss- Wednesday

Denise at For the Love of Geese for Put Your Foot Down- Thursday

Kelly at My Quilt Infatuation for Needle and Thread Thursday- Thursday

Nina at Creations, Quilts, Art , Whatever by Nina for Off the Wall Friday

Alycia's of Alycia's Quilts for Finished of Not Friday

Michelle  at From Bolt to Beauty for Beauty Pageant - Friday

Frederique at   Quilting Patchwork Applique for Patchwork & Quilts - Saturday

Angela of  So Scrappy  for Scrap Happy Saturday

Joy at Days Filled with Joy for Home Matters


  1. Well now where do I start? Keep the Hokey Pokey in mind, just in case. LOL I love your yellow, pink and blue blocks with the flowers in the center. Going to be a beautiful quilt. The hexie quilt is beautiful and looks great above the buffet. No sewing the past couple of days. Waiting for sashing fabric to arrive for one patriotic quilt and on the found patriotic blocks there were enough blocks the make the quilt square so I'm trying to decide if I should leave it alone of add 2 more rows. Decisions, decisions. LOL Have a terrific Saturday. Keep stitching. Hugs, DarleneJ

    1. Oh I do hope your patriotic fabric comes in very soon, Darlene. Doesn't it feel like you are waiting on pins and needles when you are wanting something to arrive quickly? I could about bust when I am waiting for fabric. LOL I was poking around in my junk room the other night and found some orphan blocks. I am sure there are more. I do need to do something with them, but 1st I need to find the fabric that I originally pieced them with. I might want to make more. Can you tell that I like to chase squirrels? LOL. Happy, happy quilting, Darlene. Hugs.

  2. We're stuck at the end of winter. I do have some daffodils up but they're not growing very fast since it's still cold! Your decorating looks so bright and springy. Happy stitching!

    1. I was thinking about you the other day, Gretchen and wondering if it has started to warm up in your neck of the woods. I am sure you are anxious for warmer weather. Have a blessed week and stay cozy. It will warm up soon. Hugs.

  3. I love your blog picture with all your pretty houses. Happy Spring !

    1. Aaw thank you so much, Sandy. I redecorated my buffet the other night. It is always a joy to pull out the spring decor ; the happy colors lighten the room . Have a great week and Happy Spring to you . Warm hugs.

  4. So glad about the blog! Love all your springy yellows, especially that pretty hexi flower quilt. Your flower quilt is going to be glorious! What will you plant in your neat-o beds? I'm anxiously waiting for my tomato seeds to sprout. I started them a few days ago. Wouldn't you know it turned cooler the very day I planted them, so they are on a heat mat in the kitchen under the counter lights. I hope to let them "play" on the patio and get some stronger light today. Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. I was thrilled that Blogger began working, Linda. Thank you again for the tips. That hexi quilt is one of my favorites. It makes the room look so lighter. I am hoping to plant a few tomatoes, peppers and maybe some herbs. Oh how fun that you have started to plant tomatoes. What varieties are you planting? Maters are my favorite garden fruit. I had one tomato plant to survive the winter in the green house. I plucked the suckers the other day and am rooting them. Thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  5. So glad Blogger decided to cooperate with the comments. It is enough to drive you mad some weeks when you can't get the blog to behave. Your RSC blocks are really pretty. Daisy's would be a fun flower to add. Happy stitching this weekend.

    1. You are so right about Blogger driving one mad. LOL. It is frustrating when it will not cooperate. Thankfully it worked itself out though. Oooh yes! A daisy would be perfect for the centers. Thank you for the great suggestion, Kate. Hugs.

  6. Replies
    1. Aaw you are so very kind, Kat. Thank you so much, I am really excited about this quilt and it is keeping me motivated with the RSC challenge. I look forward to seeing next month's color. Have a blessed day . Hugs.

  7. I'm so glad you were able to reply to comments again, Melisa! Blogger can definitely be a pain at times. Your new raised beds look great! I have one raised bed garden bed that I really like. I only grow a few things in it, but it is so satisfying to do! I love your yellow blocks with the tulips in them - so pretty!

    1. I am so glad Blogger began cooperating. LOL. I was so frustrated the day before that I just had to walk away. Your raised bed always seems to be pretty productive. Have you figured out what you are going to plant this year? I will probably have tomatoes and peppers in a couple of the beds. The main garden will be at my sister's. Thank you so much for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  8. Melissa what I wouldn’t give for some nice farm soil. The bagged potting mixes I’ve tried the past two seasons has looked like mainly over processed mulch. I plant a few tomato plants and some sweet peppers in pots. My big gardening days are over but my plants have not liked what I’ve been trying out on them. Hoping to find something better this season. Will read labels carefully! As always, I enjoy my visits here with you and your commenters

    1. Oh Maureen, I have noticed the same thing about the potted bagged soil. My plants do not like it either. When we had our pigs , I would mix a little pig manure with the compost and potting soil- those years my flowers would look amazing- but I had a lot of weeds to take care of too. LOL. I have a compost bin and a huge compost pile that I have been working on for years. The grandsons love the compost area because they find large worms for fishing, but I love the soil that I get from it as well. But it is easier for hubby to take the tractor and scoop up the farm dirt. I wish you a wonderful week and I wish you the best of look in this year's growing season. Thank you for the sweet visit. Blessings.

  9. The Around the Garden quilt is a perfect project for Spring. Perhaps daffodils would work. Especially appropriate for the final yellow week.

    1. Now why didn't I think of daffodils?! LOL They would be a perfect flower for the blocks. Thank you so much Gwyned. I will be adding them to my list for the blocks. Sometimes I get a brain freeze on what to applique. Have a great week in the quilt room . Warm hugs.

  10. So glad to hear the issues cleared up. Your first picture with the egg plate reminded me, once again, that I have one of those in my china hutch. Every year when I make deviled eggs for Easter dinner i forget that and just put them on a regular plate. This year, with the price of eggs (Eek!) those would be quite a lavish thing to have on the menu. Oh, for the days when I had chickens. Your thrift finds are so pretty! Brown transferware is another one that isn't all that common and the enamelware is so bright and cheery. Love the tulips! This quilt is going to be gorgeous when it's finished. Hmmm...another flower shape...something like a daisy or perhaps an iris or pansy. The hexie quilt is so soft and romantic. So pretty. Do you have a creek on your property? What a wonderful sound to have around anytime you need some quiet comfort. Is this your first dandelion for the year? Haha

    1. Hi Ginny. This is my favorite egg plate. It usually stays on my hutch year round because I am afraid of breaking it. I wish I had the little salt and pepper shakers to match. Oh, I do miss having chickens too. I was tempted to buy some chicks but we would be better off buying hens if only the raccoons would not get them. Our little creek doesn't run year round . The grandsons love playing in it . They find salamanders under the rocks and of course love to get wet and dirty. LOL. Oh yes that is the first dandelion in bloom. Soon they will be all over the place! I have been tempted to make dandelion jelly. Have you ever made any? Thank you for the sweet visit, Ginny. Hugs.

  11. hm m m. . .daisy, pansy or an iris. . .snapdragon might have too many parts. . .As a kid, I liked them just because I thought their name was hilarious! That is going to be an amazing quilt!---TerryK@OnGoiingProjects

    1. Oh those are fabulous ideas, Terry. Thank you so much. I always wanted to grow snapdragons, but have never tried. But I sure could try growing one on my quilt. Hee! Hee! Have a blessed day. Hugs

  12. Always fun to read what you and Mr. Pinker are up to in the holler. Your blocks are looking fabulous, Melisa.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Robin. We try to stay as busy as possible. Some days are more productive than others though. Thank you for stopping by . I hope you are having a great day. Hugs.

  13. I love those beautiful yellow blocks.

    1. I am enjoying these blocks so much, Isabel. I cannot wait to work on the next set. Thank you so much for the sweet visit. Hugs and Blessings.

  14. You are creating a pretty garden! I’ll be watching to see what you grow in your raised beds. Take care. Gail at the Cozy quilter

    1. Oh thank you so much, Gail. I am enjoying this little garden quilt. And am looking forward to working in the real garden this year. I still have a little more clean up to go , but soon it will be planting season. Warm hugs.

  15. Spring yellow ~ nothing says spring better. Love the transfer ware find :) Your quilt is looking fabulous. yay on the blog fix (nwpaintedlady)

    1. Yellow is one of my favorite colors. It always makes my heart sing. I was over the moon with the transferware find . I almost missed that little plate. Have a beautiful day, Sharon. Warm hugs.

  16. What beautiful flower blocks!!!
    and a garden on a hill!!! I love it!! we got two of those this year and are going to try them out - I hope you will show us how he fills them too!!!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Alycia.I am enjoying these little garden blocks. What are you going to put in your raised beds? I think we will have tomatoes, peppers and maybe herbs. Oh yes, I will post how he fills them. I wish you a great growing season. Hugs.

  17. Enjoy those thrifty finds, Melisa. LOVE your Garden blocks in YELLOW! They look so pretty with your growing collection. Best of luck deciding on addition flowers to add - you could always just repeat the ones you've done throughout the year, if you can't find others to applique.

    1. I was over the moon to find a few treasures the other day, Joy. Pickins' has been slow here lately. I have to admit that yellow is one of my favorite colors so I was over the moon to work on the new blocks for the month. Have a lovely week and thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  18. Your yellow blocks are so pretty, but when paired with the other blocks you've made so far they become even more beautiful! What a pretty quilt this will be. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

    1. Aaw thank you very much, Jennifer. You are the sweetest. I am looking forward to working on next month's blocks. I am waiting on pins and needles to see what color will be using. Have a wonderful week and thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs

  19. Melisa,
    Love the vintage finds and all the yellow and the beautiful quilt!! Thanks so much for stopping by!! I finally got my taxes to a tax preparer. I could not get in touch with the one that my husband used for years and I was so stressed out as he always did the taxes so this was the first time I was doing so...It was the last thing that I had to learn about and do on my own as far as finances after he passed away...It has been quite a year....
    Debbie-Dabble Blog

  20. Your flower blocks are all very pretty.


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