Sunday, October 13, 2024

Catching Up

Hello, Punkins and Happy Sunday. 

How are you doing on this fine Sunday morning? I hope you are chipper and are ready for a beautiful day.  

It is a gorgeous day here in the holler. The sun is shining, and it is supposed to be a fairly warm day though cooler weather is on the way. 

 Hip Hip Hooray!  The grandkids and nephews are on Fall Break this upcoming week! They will be running amuck on the farm and in the holler creating lots of entertainment for me and Mr. Pinker. I am not sure what they have in store, but I am sure they will come up  with many grand adventures. 

The Blessing House and an autumn quilt stack. 

   I have been missing in action  for the last few days; I do apologize. But boo hoo !!!   I have been under the weather and have done little at all except getting loads  and loads of rest. 

I sure have missed visiting with all of you. 🤗❤  With all of the down time , you would think I would have been on the internet. But nope ; this is the first in a few days.   😲     I hope to catch up with my blogging buddies  and emails in the next few days.  I am just chomping at the bits to hear what you have been up to. 

The Wooley Ewe's Autumn at Sunflower Ridge and October House Fiber Arts" Hello Fall", a darling gift from sweet Barbara. Thank you friend. 

OK, Sweeties. Now for the plans of the day!  

It has been a blue moon since I have shared my progress on Alabama Beauty. If you don't remember , that is the quilt that I purchased on the 2023 World's Longest Yard sale for just a song and a dance. 💃💃💃💃

It was partially quilted with pretty pink thread so I have continued following the lead of the original quilter.  

 It  is time to move the hoop in  the Alabama Beauty quilt. 

Time to move the hoop! 

There are several small triangles in this particular fabric that will need to be repaired. I will find similar fabric in my stash and applique over the triangles. I will  show you how I did on  that in a future post. Fingers crossed I will have few problems. 

On the cross stitch front, - Hmmmm-  well not a lick has been stitched in the last few days. 😏  Soooo..... today I will work on this darling chart sent to me from my sweet friend Susan. It is called "Autumn Basket " and is a design from Lizzie Kate
 You know me and baskets- I just love them. So I can not wait to get this little piece stitched.  Thank you , dear Susan. 😘🤗

Now onto the plans for the week. 

Are you writing out your To Do List? 

Hmm.... What Should I do This Week? 
🌞1.Quilt on Alabama Beauty. I would like to move the hoop before Wednesday. 
🌞2.Quilt on Scrapberries  . I have 5 more berries to quilt. 

🌞3.Pack , Pack, Pack! Yahoo!!!! Mr. Pinker and I will be leaving out on a camping trip. If I have a chance and if we have service, I will try to post .  
 A darling gift from my dear friend, PJ. This camper stitch stays out year round. Just love it! Thank you  , sweet PJ. 

🌞4. Post a hutch tour. Yep! A whole lot of clutter to share. Hee! Hee!  
🌞5. Uggh! Oh double Ugggh, Ugggh!! (Envision me stamping my feet and pouting my lips!!!) 
 Gotta go to the doctor. So does Mr. Pinker!
🌞6. And  last but not least my final goal for the week - as Brenda at Songbird Designs, says "Whatever Suits my Fancy". Eeeh ! I can do that. How about you? 
Whew! I have been quite the  chatterbox today , haven't I?  I guess I am making up for lost time.  I sure hope that I didn't chat your ears off . 😁   
Anywhoo! You have a wonderful day, sweeties and enjoy your slow stitching time. 

 As always,

Happy Stitching and Quilting, y'all


"Because of you, I laugh a little harder, cry a little less and smile a lot more."

Hugs and Stitches!!! 🤗🧵

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy. I miss and love you so much.   ❤👼

This little stray keeps coming closer and closer to me. 💖 Maybe it will adopt me ! Hee! Hee! 

I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needle workers to meet.

Nina at Creations, Quilts, Art , Whatever by Nina for Off the Wall Friday

Frederique at   Quilting Patchwork Applique for Patchwork & Quilts - Saturday

Kathy at Kathy's Quilts for Slow Stitching Sunday

Kate at Life in Pieces for  Stitching Stuff ( Sunday) 

Cynthia at Quilting is More Fun Than Housework for Oh Scrap - Sunday 

Melva at Melva Loves Scraps for Sew & Tell- Sunday

Brenda at Songbird Designs for Monday Musings

Judy at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts for Design Wall Monday

Carol at Quilt Schmilt  for To Do List Tuesday  


  1. I'm sorry you have been a little under the weather, Melisa. Those grandchildren of yours will cheer you up. How fun for them to run wild in the holler. =) Alabama Beauty is lovely and the little Autumn basket is sweet. Enjoy your stitching today.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Kim. Yes, the grandsons always bring a big smile to my day. They visited today; they certainly keep us busy. I wish you a lovely week and Happy quilting and gardening. Hugs.

  2. Now Melisa, you were missed indeed. I really counted on you posting often this autumn since I started stitching your little stamp and planned on you to keep me inspired. as it is, I've done 1/3 of the design... and hope to progress now. what a funny post, and great plans for the week. thank you. Hope you are all well! take good care. Lil

    1. Eeeh ! I am so excited to hear that you are stitching the little stamp! The stamps are always quick to stitch . I hope you enjoy each and every stitch; I was just thinking the other day that I needed to design another little stamp. Have a beautiful day, dear Lil and happy stitching. Hugs

  3. I'm sorry you have not been well. Pray for a speedy recovery. Enjoy the children they grow up so fast. Have a safe and blessed week. Maybe I will start making a to do list also.

    1. Hi, Joy . I hope you have been doing well. Thank you so much for the sweet prayers ; they mean so much to me :) Yes, the grandchildren are growing way too fast. I look at their photos daily and wonder where has the time gone. I wish you a fabulous week and I hope you check off a lot of goals on your "to do list' , if you make one. Hugs and Blessings.

  4. I'm glad you are feeling better. Have a wonderful time camping! You'll probably take along your quilting, happy stitching!

    1. Good morning, Gretchen. I hope you had a lovely weekend. I am slowly getting back into the groove of things; my spirits and energy is improving each day as well. Oh yes , I am taking my strawberry quilt for sure on the trip. I hope to take a few small quilts to work on as well. Hopefully, I will get a lot accomplished. Have a great week. Hugs.

  5. Melisa, so glad you are feeling better, I sure missed you🙂. Have fun with the grand kiddos and camping. Take care. 🤗♥️

    1. I missed you as well, dear Patti. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for making me smile. I am looking forward to spending a few days with the grandsons before leaving. I never know what they are going to get into. LOL. Have a wonderful week . Hugs and Blessings.

  6. I'm so sorry to read you've been under the weather. Never apologize for not blogging - I haven't blogged in weeks - no apology - lol!
    The little stray is beautiful, she looks like my Rosie. Does she have blue eyes? My Rosie is still very reticent but affectionate to me only. And she is still pretty small. I hope she adopts you! Will you leave on your camping trip after Fall Break?

    1. Oh thank you so much, Linda; it has been a long couple of weeks for me, but I am slowly feeling a lot better. There are 2 white kitties that come to my house and sit in the woods. This one has been coming closer and closer . It is hard for me to tell too much about her eye color, but she sure is a pretty doll. I just hope she will stay. When I feed her, she and one of my wild raccoons eat together. In fact they sit in the woods just feet from one another just waiting. It is precious to see saunter down the hill to the cat bowl. She might think she is a raccoon. LOL. I think hubby and I are leaving midweek; in fact we are going to be visiting your great state. I am not sure where we will land first. LOL Have a great week. Hugs.

  7. Glad you are feeling better now. The maker of that quilt would be pleased to see it being finished. Have a great week! Gail at the cozy quilter.

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Gail. I truly appreciate the heartwarming words. This quilt is a joy to work on; it is one of those quilts that is quilting up like butter- I just love it! Have a beautiful day. Hugs and Blessings.

  8. Good to see you "up and about" and praying for a complete recovery. Very little stitching here - more of a cleanup after Milton. Hoping to get to my stash today. Blessings!

    1. Oh thank you so much, dear Donna. It has been a long couple of weeks ,but I am feeling better each day. I am so sorry to hear about all of the cleanup. I was not sure if you had left Florida yet or not. I knew that you had moved inland after Helene. That area and all of the residents have had such a rough few weeks. My heart and prayers go out to all. I hope you and your family are doing well. Please do take care. Warm hugs and Blessings.

  9. Happy to hear that you are up and about once again, Melisa--
    I just love that Alabama Beauty quilt that you rescued; it must be such fun quilting it!! And your Berries is almost done, too--another lovely project. I hope you enjoy your camping trip and that the weather smiles on you...hugs, Julierose

    1. Oh thank you so much, Julierose. I am not one to usually get ill that often. But the rest has done me good. I love every moment of working on the Alabama Beauty. There is something about the fabrics that feel so good. I do hope to finish the berries on my strawberry quilt soon and then on to the border. LOL. Hugs and Blessings.

  10. Sorry to hear that you have been under the weather, Melisa! I knew you had mentioned camping so that is where I thought you were. Enjoy the boys while they are on their fall break. We had low 80s yesterday and we should see them again today. Where did the fall temps go? Have a great week!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Robin; I am feeling much better . I am looking so forward to the camping trip too; that will give me even more time to rest. The grandsons visited today and they were at full speed. LOL. They are always busy. It got up to the mid 80's here plus we had an unexpected thunderstorm. The rain might head your way. Enjoy your week. Hugs.

  11. So glad you are feeling better. And a camping trip sounds fantastic!

    1. Aaah thank you very kindly Vicki. I am feeling a lot better and of course a camping trip always lifts my spirits. So I am looking forward to it. I just hope I can get as much done as you do when you are camping. Have a lovely week. Hugs.

  12. So glad you're feeling better! Good thing too if the energetic grandkids will be with you this week. You will surely need that peaceful camping trip with Mr. P the following week! Lol! Enjoy your stitching time.

    1. Oh yes, I do feel a lot better and yep I need my energy when the youngins' are out. LOL. They love to be outside and they are always finding something to get into. LOL. I do look forward to our camping trips as well; I am hoping to get things organized and ready to go soon. Have a fabulous week and thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs

  13. Replies
    1. Aaah thank you so much, dear. I am feeling a whole lot better than I did before. I so appreciate the well wishes; they mean so much to me. Have a blessed day. Hugs.

  14. I'm so sorry you've been feeling a little punky! Don't overdo it now or you'll get sick again and it'll be worse! Doctor's orders!!! Very little happening here. I had to replace my reedle in my sewing machine and I couldn't remember which way it went. Ugh!!! I chatted with a couple of people and they helped me. Back in business at the machine. No handwork and that's driving me crazy. I can't just sit - need something in my hands and yet I've just been sitting. The start of a new week may help. LOL
    BTW, I love your Alabama Beauty. I'm glad you're about ready to move the hoop. Great progress!
    Have a delightful Sunday and time with the grands and nephews.
    Since I'm originally from Texas I'm sending Texas sized hugs - them are big! LOL
    Darlene J

    1. Hi dear Darlene. I hope you have been doing well this last week. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the well wishes and yes Mam' on the doctor's orders. Hee! Hee! Ooooh double uggh on the needle! I have not done that in years. I think I would have a hard time replacing mine too. I am glad to hear that the machine is roaring and ready to go. Oh yes, you are going to have to find some handwork to work on. I know the feeling - it makes you feel batty without something in your hands' don't it? LOL. I was doing so well on my stitching and then screeech! I picked up the needle today though and even started a new house! Nothing like a little sewing time. Sending you big ole' TN bear hugs from the holler. :)

  15. I hope you feel better, Melisa!
    I'm sure you'll have a great week full of projects with the kids!!

    1. Aaw thank you so much, sweet Isabel. It does feel good to be getting back into the swing of things and having the grandsons here always lifts my spirits and sparks my energy. I wish you a lovely week. Hugs.

  16. Glad to hear you are feeling better. How did you fare with the storms. No problems where you are? That camper stitch is just adorable! You are making good progress on so many projects, I feel I haven't done much in comparison. We finished cleaning out the garden and I put up beets and am still debating on what I want to do with the carrots. Some friends gave us a couple of bags of apples. Harvest season has a never ending (or so it seems) list of to-do's. Today I am doing some fall clean up and some plant moving. Your list looks much more inviting than mine. LOL

    1. Oh thank you so much; I am getting right back into the swing of things. Luckily, we received light rain from Helene in my area and none from Milton. So that was good. I have a fear of the trees falling here in the holler. It sounds like your garden was very productive. How wonderful to be able to put up beets for the winter season. They are one of my favorite veggies . Did you have a bumper crop of carrots too? Are you going to make pie fillings with the apples? I was telling hubby the other day that we need to go to the apple orchard which is 2 counties over. I would love to have a big box of fresh picked apples. I still have 2 pepper plants and 2 tomato plants that are giving me a few bites of produce ever so often. I will be moving plants too. Fall clean up is not as much fun as spring - well not for me. Hee! Hee! Have a fabulous week, sweet friend. Hugs

  17. I'm so sorry to hear you've been under the weather, Melisa, but so glad you're better! I love that Autumn Basket you're working on. Hope you get some relaxing stitching time today, and have a blast with all the kiddos this week!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Diann. I am feeling much better. They Autumn Basket has been a fun stitch. I am using my own floss colors so I am excited to see how it comes out. I wish you a wonderful week. Big hugs.

  18. Having a little rest is great, and I hope you feel better now. Alabama Beauty looks gorgeous, and you are doing a great job reparing it. Have fun with the kids, and enjoy camping ;) Thank you so much for sharing your happy place with us!

    1. Oh yes, the rest was much needed. I am not one to slow down , but I guess it was necessary and I am feeling much better. I am having a ball working on Alabama Beauty. It is such a relaxing and easy quilt to work on. I hope to finish repairing the triangles today and then back to the quilting. Have a blessed week and thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  19. Hope you are feeling better. Have missed your postings. Take care of yourself and feel better soon.

    1. Aaaw thank you from the bottom of my heart , Sonja. Your well wishes mean the world to me. I am feeling a whole lot better now. Have a wonderful and blessed week, sweet friend. Hugs.

  20. So glad you are feeling better. Was concerned whether you were having hurricane problems and that’s why we hadn’t heard from you. Take it easy and have fun with the grandkids!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Gail; you are so very kind. I am feeling a lot better. Fortunately, Helene missed my neck of the woods, but it did do some damage in eastern TN. It has been heart wrenching to see what the residents of all of the states that were hit has gone through. Oh yes, I do plan to take it easy and enjoy the grandsons! Their sweet faces always brighten my day. Have a blessed week. Hugs.

  21. I'm so pleased you are feeling better. You will need to be fit and well with the grand kids coming to visit,

    1. That is so true, Jenny. Those youngins' keep me on my toes. LOL. Thank you so much for the kind words. I am feeling a lot better than last week that is for sure. Have a fabulous week . Hugs.

  22. I kept checking your blog, thinking I must have missed something. I'm so sorry you were under the weather but very glad to hear you are on the mend. Alabama Beauty is coming along nicely. Enjoy the kiddos this week. I wish you success with your list. I've put one together for next week, it will post on Monday. We'll see how it goes. Wish I was packing for camping!

    1. Oh thank you so much , Jeanna for checking in on me. I rarely feel poorly so it was a bummer to be down for a few days, but I am feeling better. I can not wait to see what you have planned for the week. I know you will have some awesome projects in the works. Sounds like you need to plan for a fall camping trip. Hee ! Hee! I hope you get to go on one soon. Hugs and Blessings.

  23. I'm glad you're feeling better, Melisa, especially in time for the fun GKs time! I always enjoy perusing your project and decorating photos!

    1. Oh thank you so much, dear Nancy. Yes, I do need to be as fit as fiddle when the grandsons come; there is no rest for the wicked when they are out and about. LOL. Have a wonderful week. Warm Hugs.


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