Blog Archive

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Wild ,Wild Roses Quilt

 Rise and Shine, Sunshine! It is a beautiful day!

The grandsons are out of school today. Snow is expected- a dusting up to an inch ; we shall see how much we get. The boys are happy little campers no matter how much snow we get. 

In the foyer, I keep a wee "year round tree "out to decorate for the seasons. It is tucked into an old enamelware pot. For January, I decorated it in small mittens. Upon return from my camping trip, it was time to take down the mitten tree decor. Thankfully , this was a quick task to complete.  Hmmm, maybe I should have waited since it is  still winter time. 
Time to take down the Winter Tree decor. 

It did not take long for me to redecorate it with little floral picks and wee baskets. 

I am adding baskets to the tree

Can you tell that I am dreaming of Spring?  Below the tree is old crocks , pottery and baskets. 

The tree decorated with baskets and surrounded by vintage goodies. 

I am dreaming of birds chirping, bees buzzing and flowers blooming. Are you having the same dreams? I sure am ready for Spring. 

My plants in the greenhouse made it through the first month of winter . I was a bit worried since I was gone and not tending to the plants, but my daughter peeked in on them a couple of times. 

A marigold blooming in the greenhouse . What a treat to have a bloom in February. 

 Last night I pulled out my Wild ,Wild Roses quilt blocks that I worked on in January of 2023. Click here to see that post. 

Laying out the scrappy rose blocks. 

I was inspired by Beth Shibley of My Sewing Room. She posted a  video  2 years ago called Roses in Bloom Quilt Block.  Beth posts the most delightful  videos . 

My blocks are 10 1/2" unfinished  ( 10" finished) .

Lots of scraps and "ugly" fabrics in this one, but I do like how it turned out. 

 I will now lay this quilt top aside and ponder on the border for a spell. 

Wild , Wild Roses pieced and awaiting a border. 

I am still learning my new computer. Wheew! I just do not pick technology up as quick as the kiddos. My 8 year old grandson helped me the other night. I still have more "questions" though.  I guess I will have to wait till the boys  come over to get more "tech " help.  
Please forgive me on still being behind. 

Well, Sweeties. I better get off here. I have a quilt to work on. Enjoy your day! Stay warm and cozy!

 As Always, 

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, y'all


Thank you for the sweet visit. 

"A rose speaks of love silently in a language only a heart can hear. " - unknown.

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

Dedicated to my baby sister, Amy. Love and miss you, Amo. 


 I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needleworkers to meet. 

Jennifer at Inquiring Quilter for Wednesday  Wait Loss- Wednesday

Denise at For the Love of Geese for Put Your Foot Down- Thursday

Kelly at My Quilt Infatuation for Needle and Thread Thursday- Thursday

TGIFF at Melva Loves Scraps for Thank Goodness Its Finished Friday- Friday

Nina at Creations, Quilts, Art , Whatever by Nina for Off the Wall Friday

Alycia's of Alycia's Quilts for Finished of Not Friday

Michelle  at From Bolt to Beauty for Beauty Pageant - Friday


  1. I love those little baskets Melisa! I am also dreaming of spring! We got snow today and won’t reach above freezing until Saturday. It’s showing Monday and Tuesday we will get close to 70 degrees! Your rose quilt looks pretty 😍

    1. Oh thank you so much, Chari. It is hard for me to resist wee baskets. Brrr, it sounds cold there , but how wonderful that you have warmer weather by the beginning of next week. 70's sounds delightful! I sure hope it warms up here fast. The weather has been crazy here lately. Stay warm and cozy. Hugs.

  2. Oh yes Melisa, I am dreaming also of spring. The weather is nice, blue sky and sunshine but very, very cold. The little basket are cute, need them for my little shop!
    The quilt looks great.
    Have a lovely day,

    1. Spring time can not come soon enough for me, Gabi. I hope warmer weather will arrive for us both. I always try to pick up little baskets if I see them while thrifting. They are hard to find in my area, but aren't they the cutest. Have a wonderful day. Hugs.

  3. The wee baskets on your wee tree are adorable! I've been thinking about putting up a seasonal tree, but I can't decide what size 2 ft or 3 ft. Any suggestions? The rose blocks are lovely and very interesting. Can't wait to see more. Spring is my favorite season so I always look forward to it. Unfortunately, it does last too long because the HEAT arrives. Ugh. Happy Wednesday!! Darlene J

    1. Happy Wednesday, Darlene. Oh thank you so much on my wee tree and quilt. It is a lot of fun to decorate the tree for the seasons. Mine is 2 ft, but I made it look a little taller by propping it up in a container. I used to have a 6 1/2" ft white tree up too, but it is now residing in the closet until I feel like decorating it again. LOL. Is it warm in your neck of the woods yet? We saw snow on our way through your lovely state- such a wide variety of weather. Yes, the heat will soon be coming your way. Wheewww! I know you dread that. Have a beautiful day, Miss Darlene. Warm Wednesday hugs.

  4. Just love the tree with its lights, so uplifting - and that cute basket! Great patchwork roses too, and a marigold! We have hundreds of snowdrops flowering at the moment and lots of crocuses. Probably won’t be long before the daffs are out too, but it’s still icy cold here. It’s 4°c now but it was 0° last night and the ice from the birdbaths sill hasn’t thawed. Roll on Springtime and I hope we see more sun this year. Hugs, Barbara @flashinscissors. 👍🙋‍♀️💜💜💜🤗😘xx

    1. Brrrr! It is cold in your neck of the woods, Barbara. I hope you are staying warm and cozy and enjoying stitching time. I bet your snowdrops and crocuses are just delightful. I do wish I had winter flowers to enjoy. Our daffodils are coming up though which makes me happy. Yesterday we filled the birdfeeders before the winter storm. The birdies have been happy today. LOL. Happy Wednesday, sweet friend. Hugs. .

  5. I like the idea of ​​changing the decor with each season of the year.
    I think the entire northern hemisphere is already dreaming of the arrival of spring!!!!!
    Hugs from Spain

    1. It is a lot of fun to change out that little tree. The lights bring me a lot of joy year round; I think that is the main reason I keep the wee tree up. LOL. Oh yes, we are ready for spring aren't we? I am ready to play in the garden and enjoy the sunshine. Have a blessed day, dear Isabel and thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  6. I hear you on computer stuff - dh, who used to deal with computers, is often perplexed - I rely on my oldest who was IT/CT in the Navy and still knows her way around these things! I've often thought of having a seasonal tree - just a little one. Right now, I change out my cross stitch for months and season. Blessings!

    1. Happy Wednesday, Donna. I have never been able to catch on with the "tech stuff". I am still amazed that I can do what I can on the computer. LOL. You are so fortunate to have a daughter that can walk you through the tech issues and thank your daughter for her service 🤗. Oh yes, changing out the cross stitch seasonally always makes me happy too. It is nice to revisit previous projects and enjoy them on display isn't it? I am slowly getting out my spring pieces. Have a fabulous day. Hugs.

  7. Your Wild Roses quilt is simply lovely, Melisa!! I love Beth's patterns and her tutorials, too.
    Your tree is all dressed up for Spring--we had mostly high winds and cold here --a bit of snow but they say that tomorrow we will be getting "plowable" snowfall!! Hugs, Julierose

    1. Happy Wednesday, Julierose. It sounds like old man winter is still hanging around in your neighborhood too. I love seeing the snow for a short time as long as the electricity stays on. LOL. But then I am ready for warmer weather. I am ready to enjoy my days outside. How about you? I agree, Beth's tutorial and videos are fabulous and so relaxing to watch. Have a lovely evening and stay warm and cozy. Hugs.

  8. I thought maybe you'd dress your tree for Valentines Day but spring is a good choice also. I'm also tired of winter but then I think this is when it's supposed to be cold and snowy, not in April! Happy quilting your roses, she's a bright and happy quilt!

    1. Happy Wednesday, Gretchen. Well, I had planned on decorating the tree for Valentine's but since we were gone for so long on vacation. I decided to move on to spring. LOL. I am tired of winter too. Your winters are a lot rougher and longer than ours. I wish you warmer weather very soon. Have a wonderful day and Happy quilting. Hugs.

  9. Your Wild Roses quilt is looking good, Melisa. It is lightly snowing here as I write this. We are supposed to get less than 2 inches, but the areas south and east of us are supposed to get 6-10 inches. Happy Wednesday!

    1. Happy Wednesday, Robin. I figured the snow was headed your way. It started snowing around here at 3 : 30 this morning by mid morning we had about 2" . I am not sure what the mountains received. Stay warm and safe. I hope your electricity stays on . Have a great evening. Warm hugs from the holler.

  10. I love this quilt!! It’s beautiful.

    1. Aaah thank you so much, dear. It was fun and liberating to sew these scraps together especially since I got to use some of my "ugly fabrics". LOL I hope I will find the perfect fabrics for the border soon. I wish you a wonderful Wednesday. Hugs.

  11. Such a beautiful quilt. That ought to get you in the mood for SPRING! It is very cold here too. We got a few inches of snow over the past couple of days but the temps have been brutal. Walking the dog in Feels Like Temp of -10 degrees is getting old. Let's bring on some sunshine!

    1. Oh it does, Susie. This scrappy quilt makes my heart sing. I have already started to dream of my flower gardens . Eeek it is no fun when you have to go outside on those temps. Hopefully, your sweet fur baby is quick on his walks so you both can get back inside. Hee! Hee! I bet you are ready for some spring weather as well. Have a wonderful day. Stay warm and cozy. Hugs.

  12. Such a pretty bloom and fun quilt. We have a bit of snow in the mountains this morning. As pretty as it is, I'm ready for spring, like you.

    1. Happy Wednesday, Jeanna. Oh yes, I love to see the snow , but then it most go. LOL. Warm weather and sunshine is what I enjoy. We ended up with about 2"; I am not sure how much our mountains received. Fingers crossed warmer weather is on its way. Enjoy your day. Hugs.

  13. Love your Wild Roses and I did chuckle over your tech help! Isn't it crazy how that age can navigate a computer???--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

    1. I am just in awe at the youngsters and how they navigate through all of the "tech stuff" and here I am afraid that I will press the wrong key. LOL. Thank you so much , Terry for the kind words on my Wild Roses quilt. I already have an idea on how to quilt it, but first I have to figure out the border; hopefully that will come to me soon. Have a fabulous day. Hugs.

  14. We definitely still need mittens here in cold and snowy Colorado, but I, too, am dreaming of spring! Glad your grands can help you with the new computer - they figure things out so quickly. Your rose garden quilt is delightful - I love all that color, Melisa!

    1. LOL, mittens, toboggan, coat and scarf. Brrrr! I bet it is downright cold in your neck of the woods. I bet you miss being in the warmer weather in AZ ; I sure do. LOL. Hopefully, spring will come roaring in very soon. Isn't it amazing how kiddos pick up the technology so quickly. Hopefully, they will be able to help me tomorrow when they come to visit. Have a fabulous day. Warm Winter Hugs.

  15. I really love that Wild Wild Roses quilt, Melisa! I hope your kiddos have fun in the snow...whatever amount. I too, and SO ready for spring! Isn't it great we can ask our grands about computer issues? I have a techy SIL and he is my go-to!! Have a great week. Hugs.

    1. Happy Wednesday, Brenda. Did you get any snow? It began about 3 :30 this morning. It was nice to see the snow, but I sure am ready for spring. Oh yes, the kiddos breeze right through with the tech issues. They make it look so easy. You are so fortunate to have a dear SIL to help you. Have a wonderful week. Stay warm and cozy. Hugs.

  16. I love all your decorating, and your wild roses quilt top is absolutely gorgeous! You really "hit" it!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Elaine. I do not know why I always want to change things out , but every now and then I get a hankering to redecorate. LOL. I hope to figure out the border here soon on the wild roses. I think I know how I want to quilt it. Have a fabulous day. Warm hugs.

  17. Your Wild Roses quilt is beautiful! I have some blocks like this, too, but am not near as far along as you. The baskets and flower tree is really lovely. When I get antsy for the days to pass quickly and the weekend/month/season, etc. to arrive, I hear my Grandma in my ear, "Little girl, don't wish your life away. Some day you may want that time back". I try (not always successfully) to remember that and appreciate the days. Is that marigold your first flower for this year? So sunshiny!

    1. Happy Thursday, Ginny. Oh how fun that you have been working on wild rose blocks too. Aren't they a lot of fun? Aaah yes, my grandma used to say the same. As we get older the days do seem to fly by. I was so excited to see that I had a bloom in the greenhouse. I threw out some seed in the pots and they are coming up so fingers crossed they will make it to spring. LOL. Have a super day. Hugs.

  18. The Wild Roses quilt is beautiful, you got the color balance just right.

    1. Aaaw thank you so much, Kate. It was a joy to work on these blocks especially since I used up some of my scraps. I look forward to putting this in the hoop in the near future. Have a blessed day and happy quilting. Hugs.

  19. Such a beautiful quilt! Can't wait to see what kind of border you add. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

    1. Aaah you are so very kind, Jennifrer. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I hope that the quilt will speak to me soon on the border. Perhaps I will spot the perfect fabric to give me inspiration. Have a blessed weekend. Hugs.

  20. Wow! What an undertaking to redecorate your tree monthly. It may be small, but still... Wild Roses is so bright and cheery. A great way to take "ugly" scraps and let them bloom.

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Gwyned. I tried to keep it simple with the tree this month so maybe I will not have to change it next month. I used to have a larger one, but it became a lot of work. LOL. I loved using my "ugly fabrics" in this quilt. I can not wait to finish it. Have a great weekend. Hugs.

  21. Love your little tree and your rose blocks! Would be great to find a rose print for the border but maybe a border of a smaller version of the same blocks alternating with plain squares of the some of the greens used in the center (if you have more)? It will be fun how ever you finish it and a perfect quilt to put out once we get past all this cold weather and finally get to welcome Spring!

  22. Lovely rose blocks, so happy and springy. Hope you enjoyed your vacation away. Redecorating is just your things for all the seasons creating all those cute little projects. I love your "Tech guys"; it is a wonder what they now and can do so easily. My husband absolutely has the most difficult time with computers as well.


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