Blog Archive

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Is there a tree in there? My Halloween Tree!

Hello, dear friends . Thank you for coming to visit me  on this rainy day. Come sit for a spell and let's look over my overfilled Halloween tree; yep if  you look closely you might see a tree in there. Lol. 

My idea for decorating this raggedy little tree was to throw it all on there with a mismatch of all kinds of Halloween. The more the better in my little world. 
This tree sits in front of the built in china cabinet. I sort of use it as  protection for the cabinet glass since I have grandkids.  For several years, I have had this little cedar doll high chair beside the tree. This little high chair was bought at a craft fair many years ago for one of my daughters. It now holds seasonal dolls. For Halloween prim ole' black cat sits in the chair holding a wool applique pillow I made years ago.  On the wicker settee there is a quilted fall pillow, a pumpkin head pillow made from a skirt and a rail fence quilt top in fall colors. 

It looks as though a witch has crashed into the tree. I placed witch legs purchased from the Dollar Tree at the top of the tree. 

I topped the tree with a paper mache hat I purchased at the Goodwill. It is embellished with pip berries. 

 I have a number of cross stitch pillows snuggled among the Halloween jack o lanterns. This was a freebie I stitched years ago and is a favorite to bring out. 

There are ornaments that my grandsons painted, golden balls, buffalo check ribbons and skulls  scattered through out.  The grandbabies like looking for the spiders. 

Most of the ornaments have come from the Dollar Tree over the years.  Gotta love Dollar Tree. 

This is the view of the tree as I come into the room from the upstair's kitchen." Poisoned Apples" is painted on a scrap piece of wood. I like those no cost crafts.  I had this sign on the hutch last year which was in the theme of a witch's kitchen.  The enamel pot is filled with pumpkins and jack o lanterns, and the same old scarecrow that was out for my fall tree is standing on the stool. 

 My newest cross stitch addition to the tree is this Lizzie Kate freebie called "Spooky Time." I found it on the Lizzie Kate website.  Click here to go to the website to get this and other Lizzie Kate freebies. . 

The little tractor always is at the bottom of the tree. For Halloween, a little bear all decked out in it's pumpkin costume is driving the tractor. 

This little cross stitch ornament was a pumpkin from one of With Thy Needle and Thread's Halloween pieces. I simply stitched the jack and then finished it on a wooden Dollar Tree ornament. 

One of my favorite Halloween ornaments is "Brooms for Sale " by Homespun Elegance. I love anything by Sandra Sullivan.  I finished it into a little pillow hanging from a homemade broom made from a stick and raffia. 

The little black cat ornament was stitched last year and is in pillow finish as well. I was thinking ahead and put a jute hanger on it. The 2nd cross stitch ornament is called Big Jack and Little Jax's and was a freebie on my blog. You can find it here

Thank you so much for taking a Halloween tree tour with me today. After Halloween, I am going to take this tree out of the bushel basket and see if I can refresh it a bit and then onto Christmas decor. Woo Hoo! I always love Christmas.  Have a lovely upcoming week and enjoy all the fall goodness.  If you missed the Fall Tree tour click here
Happy Fall, 


  1. Melisa,
    LOVE your sweet Halloween Tree and love that you used the witch legs from Dollar Tree!! So cute!! You know how much I love seasonal trees!! I bet your grandchildren love this!! Stay safe, health and happy!!

  2. Melisa, your Halloween tree looks super. I bet the grandkids love visiting and checking out the tree. Have a super week!

  3. Sew very sweet and a whole lot of eye candy. Love that little tractor bear...looking like perhaps they ate maybe one to many pieces of pumpkin pie, LOL ! I am inspired to start collecting foe a tree next year : )

  4. I love your trees! They are wonderful!! I love to cross stitch ornaments too. I might have to plan a tree for next year. Hugs,

  5. I love how versatile that tree is, and what it becomes as the year moves on. The dinosaur in the fall tree was too cute. "helping you"

    1. AAah thank you so much, Susan. The grandbabies have made all kinds of ornaments for my yearly tree. I keep their ornaments out year round though they are tucked among the seasonal decor. The boys love to rearrange the ornaments. Lol.


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