Saturday, June 6, 2020

Hen Party in Progress!

 Hello, ya'll  Today I am in the mood for a Hen Party.  One of my Stitch Maynia 2020 starts was Hen Party by Little House Needleworks, and I am so excited to be nearing a finish. I am using DMC threads of colors of my choice -whatever I have on hand.  I knew I wanted the hen house to be a brighter red because it reminded me of my Nanny's red barn. Well off to do a little stitching. 

Happy Stitching, ya'll


  1. Hi Melisa! What an adorable design! I love how you customized the red in memory of your Nanny's barn! That is what I love about stitching when we can make things that are more memorable to us. Your display is very sweet.

    1. Thank you so much, Chari. I am so thankful that we met on IG; you have been so inspiring and encouraging . I agree -personalizing a piece really makes a stitch even more special.

  2. I really like your cute x-stitching! Chickens and quilts.... cannot go wrong there.

  3. Lol I am chicken crazy and have been adding more and more to my decor. I have been collecting them for about 20 years. I got that little red truck at the Dollar General last year. I am in love with it. Hugs, Melisa


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