Tuesday, June 30, 2020

My Country Patriotic Thrifty Hutch

My kitchen hutch is sporting its red , white and blue! 

Until about two years ago, my hutch was always decorated the same way- with my blue willow plates, but now I am enjoying changing it up for the season.

This year I decorated it with a plethora of thrifted items and cross stitch. The newest addition to this collection is the patriotic chicken plates that I got at the Goodwill and the truck and camper salt and pepper shaker that my daughter gifted me. 

On the top shelf  is a  Pioneer Woman cow cream pitcher and some vintage salt and pepper shakers, blue willow plates , A Birds of a Feather "Americana Honesty" Cross Stitch and Little House Needleworks " Rooster and Hens" 
 On the 2nd shelf there is some cheese crocks which I collect and a little Heart in Hand Merry Making Mini "Free" cross stitch which I made into a little pillow. 

The 2nd shelf also sports old tins, blue and white splatter pottery apple baking dishes, old lids, chickens and a free chicken cross stitch made into a pillow. 
 I was thrilled to to purchase this vintage scale at the  Goodwill and below it is a Scissor and Tails Design "Rise and Shine"  cross stitch finished into a thrifted mini loaf pan. 

Vintage crewel work, enamelware, apple ornaments,  chickens and blue transferware complete the bottoms shelf. 

 More thrifted items are on the top of the shelf including Coca Cola boxes and vintage tins which I collect. 

 So this is my patriotic hutch tour, I hope you have a fabulous Independence Day!

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Tomato Pincushion Tutorial

You know that anyone who sews loves a good ole' pincushion. Pincushions have dated back all the way to the Middle Ages in Europe where they were called pimpilowes , pin pillows or pin poppets. They  were typically filled with cotton, wool, horse hair, sawdust or even emery  powder in order to sharpen the pins.  

Tomato shaped pincushions came  into fashion during the Victorian times. It was believed that placing a tomato on the ledge of the window would ward away evil spirits, and guarantee prosperity. When tomatoes were out of season, red balls of fabric were fashioned and placed on the ledge where pins eventually were stored. 

 So are you ready to make a tomato pincushion? There are a number of ways to make a tomato pincushion which I have tried a few, but the following instructions is how I made mine today. 

Let's begin with the supplies:  
3 1/2" x 10” scrap piece of red fabric for tomato
2” scrap of red fabric,  ( from same fabric you are making your tomato)
2- 3” green wool fabric scraps, 
embroidery floss of your color choice,
florist sand
doll making needle
batting or polyfil (optional).
thimble (optional)
pliers (optional)

Are you ready? Let's go !

1. Cut your red piece of fabric to a 3 ½” x 10” rectangle.

2. Fold fabric in ½  placing right sides together and using about a ¼” seam allowance, sew down the short side of the fabric creating a little tube. 

3. About a ¼” from the bottom of your tomato unit , stitch a running stitch leaving long ends of thread so you can gather the bottom afterward.    I used a double cotton thread, but you could also use floss.   Gather and cinch closing the ends securely.

4. Now turn the tomato right side out. Using a pencil or chopstick delicately make the folds of the bottom of the tomato pleasing. 

5. I then ran another running stitch at the top of the tomato form - about ¼” from the top leaving long ends of thread so later I can gather it. I am not ready to gather yet though. I just wanted to have the running stitch ready before filling my tomato. ( You can do this after filling the tomato; it is up to you. I just found it easier to have the gathering stitch already in place. ) 

6. Now you are ready to fill. I first put a little quilt batting or poly fil in the bottom but this is optional.

7. Then I poured florist sand into the tomato form. Now this can be a little messy , but I just used a little spoon. Fill leaving about an inch of space from the top.  Tap sand in place so it can settle a bit. Next I added a little batting or polyfil to cover up the sand. 

8. Now it is time to close your tomato. Gather the running stitch that you had made at the top and cinch the top closed securing the edges and closing the hole completely. 

9. Using about a yard of 2 strand embroidery floss  color of your choice  and a long doll making needle ( a long needle just makes it easier) , make the grooves of the tomato . I started at the bottom  going through the core of the tomato, wrapped the floss to the top and went through the top to the bottom. I then went to the opposite side of the tomato to create an even spaced groove. Do this all around the tomato . This will tighten up the tomato too. Adjust the folds of the fabric as you go by adjusting fabric and floss to keep the puckers looking nice. Tie floss off.  Now with this step I did use a pliers to help pull the needle through and a thimble to push the needle. You may do just fine without having to do this -try what works best for you.

10. It is time for the green top of the tomato. Free hand  draw a 6 pointed star or a star burst template.  ( I just used my star burst pattern that I use for my strawberry pin cushions). Using the template cut the top out of felt or wool.  I ended up cutting 2 tops per pincushion for a layered look , but you can use one if you like.

11. Tack the green wool tops to the top of the tomato with a little fabric glue , tack stitch in place leaving the edges free for a 3d effect. Add a button. ( as I did)  OR Whip stitch  the green top of your tomato laying down each edge.  It’s your tomato. Have fun. 

12. I next took the 3" scrap of red fabric and cut out a quarter size circle. I added the circle to the bottom of the tomato just to cover the indentation. This is totally optional.

13. Now your pincushions is complete . Put some pins in it and enjoy. Happy Stitching, ya'll.

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Hen Party in Progress!

 Hello, ya'll  Today I am in the mood for a Hen Party.  One of my Stitch Maynia 2020 starts was Hen Party by Little House Needleworks, and I am so excited to be nearing a finish. I am using DMC threads of colors of my choice -whatever I have on hand.  I knew I wanted the hen house to be a brighter red because it reminded me of my Nanny's red barn. Well off to do a little stitching. 

Happy Stitching, ya'll

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Rise And Shine, ya'll!

Happy Wednesday, ya'll!  So yesterday I got in the mood to do a little finishing on a cross stitch project.  Lingering in my "need to be FFOd" pile was this sweet design by Scissor Tail Designs called "Rise and Shine". I had stitched this last year during Stitch Maynia 2019 and though I loved it, I had not gotten around to fully finishing it. 
As I made my way to my craft room , I pondered as to how to finish this piece. Initially, I  thought that I might finish it on a galvanized bucket, but  soon I  changed my mind when I spied  this little loaf pan which I had acquired at the Goodwill for $.49 a few months ago. It was the perfect size .

Settling on how to finish  the stitch, I went to town gathering all of the supplies that I needed to complete the task at hand. I began my covering foam board with 3 layers of batting and then attached my stitching. I still was not satisfied with how it looked on the loaf pan so  I took a pair of old gingham pants that I never wore  and ripped little strips . Next, I  created a tiny ruffle to embellish the stitching and simply glued it in place. Placing the stitching on top of the loaf pan, completed my finish. Now I have a little place to store little bits and bobs and plus, it is a cute addition to my patriotic and chicken decor.  
 The perfect spot for this little stitched piece was on  the hutch in the kitchen among some of my old transferware and chicken decor all little goodies that I have found at the Goodwill. This happy little finish has found its Summer home. 
 Happy stitching, ya'll, 

Monday, June 1, 2020

Welcome, ya'll!

Hello and welcome to my blog. For many years, I have admired others' blogs and have wanted to write one myself and so here I am jumping in. I hope to be sharing my love for quilting, cross stitching and all of the other crafty adventures I enjoy. So here goes!

Can you believe it is June already? So I pulled out some old stitching to place on the buffet  which included With Thy Needle and Thread's "June Word Play " and Lizzie Kate's "A Bit of June. These are some of my earlier pieces of stitching and finishing. I finished them in thrift store frames and embellished them with a little ribbon and buttons. Behind them  are little treasures that I have collected over the years including my blue transferware which is in an old scale. The quilt hanging up is my Sybil Ludington quilt  that I  designed and quilted years ago.  


Well that is a wrap for my 1st trial blog post. 

Happy Stitching, ya'll

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