My kitchen hutch is sporting its red , white and blue!
Until about two years ago, my hutch was always decorated the same way- with my blue willow plates, but now I am enjoying changing it up for the season.
This year I decorated it with a plethora of thrifted items and cross stitch. The newest addition to this collection is the patriotic chicken plates that I got at the Goodwill and the truck and camper salt and pepper shaker that my daughter gifted me.
On the top shelf is a Pioneer Woman cow cream pitcher and some vintage salt and pepper shakers, blue willow plates , A Birds of a Feather "Americana Honesty" Cross Stitch and Little House Needleworks " Rooster and Hens"
On the 2nd shelf there is some cheese crocks which I collect and a little Heart in Hand Merry Making Mini "Free" cross stitch which I made into a little pillow. The 2nd shelf also sports old tins, blue and white splatter pottery apple baking dishes, old lids, chickens and a free chicken cross stitch made into a pillow.
I was thrilled to to purchase this vintage scale at the Goodwill and below it is a Scissor and Tails Design "Rise and Shine" cross stitch finished into a thrifted mini loaf pan.
Vintage crewel work, enamelware, apple ornaments, chickens and blue transferware complete the bottoms shelf. 

More thrifted items are on the top of the shelf including Coca Cola boxes and vintage tins which I collect.