Monday, October 14, 2024

Off to a Good Start

 Monday , Monday  I am not blue! 

Monday, Monday What should I do!!!


Hello there, Sweet friends and welcome! Are you fired up for a fabulous week!!  


 I am counting down the days until the raggedy truck camper is hitched on the bed of the  truck and our wheels are spinning gravel as we hit the dusty trails. 

 But in the meantime, I  have chores to do - like buying groceries for the next couple of weeks, meal prepping ,and  I must not forget to pack my projects to work on.  Lots and lots to do on this beautiful day. 


Sooo...  I do have one quilt project that I am anxious to work on before hitching the wagon and that is work on my 16 patch quilt. 

 For the last few weeks, I have been piecing these charming little 16 patches using autumnal colors.  Each block measures 8 1/2" squared unfinished. 

 After much debate, I have decided to just piece 30 blocks. I had an intention to add sashing, but alas, Miss Fickle has changed her mind yet again and has decided to go sashless. Hee! Hee! Is sashless a word?🤔- Hmm I am not sure, but you know what I mean.

Shirts, sheets, and pretty quilt fabrics in these blocks. 

 Anywhoo,  I will be playing with the layout and hopefully, will have these babies pieced up by the end of the day. 

Then I have to decide about the border.  I am thinking of using the pretty paisley that I have in  my stash. What do you think?  On the plus side- I already have the fabric and there are autumnal colors in this fabric. 🤔🍂🍁🍂

Squirrrels, Squirrels, Squirrels . Hmmm what else can I get into?


Aaah yes!   Another  project on the  Monday to do list is finish quilting "Harvest Season " . It is almost done and soon a pretty binding will be attached.   

I do think this may turn out to be a perfect productive day don't you? If all goes well, I hope to post a wee Christmas cross stitch freebie tomorrow. So if you have the chance, I would love for you to drop in for  a Tuesday visit as well. 

Well,  I am off to tackle these chores so I can get to the good stuff-like quilting! 😁 I better get on the move! 

Come on!  Let's start this day running! 1, 2, 3 and off we go! Have a beautiful, blessed day, Sweeties. 

As always,

Happy Stitching and Quilting, y'all


Every day is a good day when I spend it with you! 

Autumn Hugs and Stitches!!! 🤗🧵

See ya' later, gators! 
Sweet Mama has babies to tend to. 

❤❤❤  Dedicated to my sweet baby sister, Amy who loved cats and animals of all kinds. I miss you , Amo! Love ya'! ❤❤❤

Graphics from Pinterest. 

I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needle workers to meet.

Melva at Melva Loves Scraps for Sew & Tell- Sunday


  1. Happy Monday ! I am trying to get my routine back after more than four weeks in France.
    Love your quilt and love the border.

    1. Good morning, Annelies and Happy Monday. I bet you had a wonderful time in France. I hope that you were able to relax and enjoy every minute of it. I am sure it was hard to come home and get back into the swing of things. I hope that the unpacking and "back home chores" have not been too tedious. There is loads to do after being gone for so long isn't there? I have been away from blogging for a few days and am slowly playing catch up as well. Have a great week , sweet friend. Hugs.

  2. Busy! Busy! Busy! Everything looks beautiful. The 16 patch quilt is really pretty. The colors are so warm.
    Have a happy day, Gabi

    1. Good morning sweet Gabi and Happy Monday. Oh I do hope to have a busy and productive day. I have already started piecing my 16 patches together and soon I will figure out the border. I wish you the most delightful magical day! Hugs from the holler.

  3. Happy Trails to you until we meet again! But it better not be too long. TeeHee I see busy days ahead but I do believe they will be fun. I love your 16 patches - lovely colors. Big Hugs, Darlene

    1. LOL - now I am going to have that song ringing in my head all day long. Hee! Hee! Happy Happy Monday , Darlene. I hope you are having a sun shiny day. I just pieced my 16 patches and are now ready to cut out the border. I hope your sewing machine is humming along. Have a fantastic day!!! Hugs

  4. I am very sad and have at least one tear in my right eye. No, wait, it's in my left eye. Now my eyes are crossed!! You forgot me on the last two posts (no, not today's post) My big ole Texas sized heart was broken but I'll be fine. I'm a tuff old gal. LOL Darlene J

    1. Oh my, sweet Darlene. I could never forget you . You are the pumpkin to my pie and bring big smiles to my day. I will have to jump back to my former posts to see if I have missed your message. Big super bear hugs from the holler. Love ya'!

  5. Yay, you're back in the saddle again! =D love to see some rich autumn patchwork. just looked through your halloween quilts posts, and much more... guess i do like prim after all.
    and i finished the stamp! now to sew it into a little cushion...
    thank you and have a great week. Lil

    1. Happy Happy Monday, Lil Yep, I am back in the saddle again. Hee! Hee! And I am riding high today. LOL. Aaaah a little prim has tickled your fancy- that just warms my heart. It is so exciting that you finished your stamp. I hope you have a delightful time sewing it into a cushion. I have 2 pieces sitting on my finishing table waiting to be finished as well. Maybe today will be the day. I have wonderful day, Sweetness . Hugs and Blessings.

  6. Being the scrappy-look lover that I am--I think that paisley will be so pretty for your 16-patch piece...but the blocks can stand on their own, too, very well...(I'm no help, right?).
    I hope you can get all your "stuff" ready for your trip this week and still have some time to sew a bit...hugs, Julierose

    1. Happy happy Monday, Julierose. I finished piecing my 16 patches and was wondering if the blocks would look great without the border. Thank you so much for the encouragement and assurance. I do believe another 16 patch is in my future for 2025 - perhaps for the Rainbow Scrap challenge. I am grand plans to sneak in some quilting time between preparing breaks. Hee Hee! Enjoy your day, sweet friend. Hugs.

  7. Haven't been sewing or stitching but today is the day! I'm going through my stash and will be looking at patterns and fabrics. Oh sure, I have quilts to work on but with dh in bed (my quilting layout place) under the weather, I have other alternatives. Love all of your scrappiness going on! Why is it that quilters love scrappiness so much? LOL! Blessings!

    1. Good morning, dear Donna and Happy Monday. I am so sorry to hear that your DH is feeling under the weather. I do wish him a speedy recovery. Sounds like today is the perfect day to start a new project. I hope you have loads of fun deciding on what you are going to work on. Keep me posted. I am always excited to be enabled into a project as well. Hee Hee! I pulled out some fabrics to cut into 2 1/2" and 3 1/2" strips today. Just a little prep work for future projects. Have a beautiful day, sweet friend. Hugs.

  8. I feel your excitement and anticipation Melisa! Hope your week goes smoothly and fast. Sashless is the perfect word, and your quilt is beautiful!

    1. Oh I am , Linda! I am a wanderlust at heart and could spend all my days on the road - that would make me as happy as a clam. LOL. We have been watching the weather hoping that is will not be too hot in the area we are traveling. Thank you for the sweet Monday visit. My 16 patches are pieced and are sashless. Hee!Hee! Now for the border. Hugs.

  9. If sashless isn't a word, it should be. That paisley fabric is going to make a lovely border. Good luck getting your chores done and enjoy your sewing time!

    1. Lol it should be. Hee! Hee! I finished piecing my 16 patches. I am going to look for additional fabric to go with the paisley and then decide about the border. I hope you are having a lovely day, Jeanna. We had a stray thunderstorm over the night so I am not sure if it headed in your direction or not. Enjoy your day, sweet friend. Hugs.

  10. Have a wonderful day, Melisa! Your 16 block patches are so pretty. Have fun!

    1. Happy happy Monday, Robin. My day is already off to a fabulous start. The sun is shining and I have been putzing about outside. I finished piecing my blocks as well. I wish you a wonderful day, Robin. Warm Fall hugs.

  11. Love the colors on the 16 patch quilt. Its gonna be gorgeous when it’s finished. Looking forward to tomorrow, I’ll be here bright eyed and bushy tailed to check out your new chart. Have a great day my friend. 🧡🖤

    1. Happy happy Monday, dear Patti. I am jumping for joy on how this quilt is looking. I saw one somewhere on the internet that I was wanting to "copy cat" . Hee! Hee! But bummer I can not remember where the photo was so now I am doing my own thing with it. Eeeh I hope you like the new chart tomorrow; it is a quick and simple stitch. Have a beautiful day. Hugs

  12. Another trip sounds just awesome. I know it takes a bit of time for prepping for a trip but so worth it in the end;)

    1. Good morning, Vicki and Happy Monday. I am always ready for a camping trip. I am sure you are too. LOL. Hopefully , all of the prep work will not take too awful long so I can enjoy more time in the quilting room. Have a beautiful day . Happy quilting. Hugs.

  13. Anticipating a trip for me is almost as fun as going on it! I know you will get all the prep work done ahead so that while you are away you will have time to enjoy the scenery, Mr. Pinker and stitching!!!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

    1. It sure is , Terry. I never can sleep the night before because I am ready to get on the road. This trip we will be visiting my daughter as well which will be even more delightful. Thank you for the sweet Monday visit and I wish you a beautiful and productive day. Hugs and Blessings.

  14. Oooh! Your 16 patch quilt is just so warm and so Autumn feeling. I like your paisley fabric. For myself, I would be tempted to make more blocks and forego the borders completely. That image of Jane from our early reading primers was a fun addition today. Have you seen the baby kittens yet? Enjoy your time away. I know seeing your daughter and her family will give you all kinds of warm fuzzies.

    1. Happy Monday, Ginny. I pieced the blocks , but have yet to add the border. I originally thought planned to make at least 42 blocks. Hmmm now you are making me reevaluate my plans. I still have my fabrics pulled out; I just may get a wild hair and piece a few more. Hee! Hee! I heard one of the baby kittens in the bushes yesterday. Mama is a stray too, but is getting more and more comfortable with me. I hope she will bring the babes on the porch soon. Have a beautiful day, sweet friend. Thank you for the sweet Monday visit and the words of encouragement on my quilt. Big hugs from the holler.

  15. Your 16 patch fall quilt blocks are just lovely, Melisa! I really like those colors, and I bet that border fabric will be perfect with them. I'm going through the same thing these days - the squirrels are getting me into trouble! But they're all fun, so I'm just going with it. Have a wonderful camping trip!

    1. Aah how wonderful to give into the squirrels and see what quilting and stitching mischief they get you into. LOL. I am always ready for another project. I was hoping to start one tonight. Thank you for the sweet Monday visit. I wish you a fabulous week. Hugs.

  16. I just love your little squirrel creations, Melisa! And your blocks are so pretty in those fall colors. I hope you have a wonderful trip with sunny warm weather and lots of time to stitch! ♥

    1. Oh thank you so much, Carol. I am hoping to finish the little squirrel quilt in a day or two. I was able to get the 16 patches pieced but alas I may add more blocks. LOL. I wish you a get week and happy stitching. Hugs.

  17. So you are raring to go off on another trip, sounds great. We have a quick trip in a few days, we will be away with the caravan for about 10 days. Of course we are taking Gemna with us too, plus some knitting for me. I really must sort out a hand stitching project to work on too.

    1. Oh that is so exciting, Jenny. I always love seeing the places that you go. We like so many of the same type of places. You are so fortunate to be able to take Gemma along. She is a doll and is wonderful that she is a good traveler as well. You have a safe trip and enjoy every moment of it. Hugs.

  18. Perfect way to start my Monday with a fabulous check in from you. Road trip Yay! Excited to read all about it but in the mean time fabulously fun autumnal quilting in the works! (nwpaintlady)

    1. Happy Monday, dear Sharon. I hope your week is off to a lovely start. Oh yes, we are ready to hit the road. I am going to take stitching , quilting and my journal along so I am hoping to play with paper and glue too. I bet you are staying busy with fun projects yourself. Thank you for bringing a warm smile to my day. Big hugs.

  19. I do like the colors of your 16 patch and the paisley fabric, but since you asked for suggestions, here goes: I would put a 1inch border of a plain neutral color between the quilt and the paisley border just so you have a place to rest your eyes from all the colors. Something I learned a long time ago. As I said, just a thought. Have a wonderful camping trip, hope you find many treasures!

    1. Oh Gail, thank you for the fabulous suggestion. I am going to write a note and attach it to my piece in order to remember to do that. I finished piecing the blocks today, but I am really thinking about adding more - perhaps aim for 42 blocks and then add the borders. I hope I can find a pretty neutral in my stash. I sure appreciate the suggestion; I can use all of the help I can get. Have a beautiful and blessed day . Hugs

  20. Love the 16 patch blocks and I think the paisley would be great! I love paisley!! Love your little truck and camper at the top! Have fun on your trip and be safe! Hugs!

  21. Trips are always fun, but the prep sometimes isn't. Hope you got all that you needed to do, done. Love your autumn colored 16 patches. That paisley has the right colors and is so pretty. I'd probably add a 1" to 1.5" border of either a bright blue/teal that blends with that in the paisley or a light tan as a place for the eyes to rest between that border and the quilt. Hope all your prep is done and you are just in the anticipating stage for your trip.


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