Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Itty Bitty Thumbprint Cookies Ornament- Christmas Freebie

Brrr! It is down right chilly out there! Well , just a little cooler than usual. 

Howdy, Sweet Friends!

Yesterday I was as busy as a beaver gathering up my plants to put in the greenhouse. The word from the weatherman was that it might just dip into the 30's overnight. Mr. Pinker bought a couple of wire shelves to put in the greenhouse to make storage a bit easier. 

We will add to them as time allows. 

Anyway, soon my pretty plants were tucked nice and safe as they awaited the overnight chill. Meanwhile, I just brought my large ferns in the house  . The ferns  will return outside today as the day warms.   By mid morning, I am sure I  will be running around in shorts so it is not too bad here yet.

Has it gotten chilly in your neck of the woods yet? 

Look up at the persimmon tree! 

There are large juicy persimmons and some are dropping to the ground. Though there are fewer of them , they are extra sweet this year. 

I have been walking up to the large tree on the hill to pick a handful each day. 

Hmmm, I wonder what the persimmon seed predicts for the winter weather this year. 🤔
What is it? 🤔 If you split a persimmon seed and there is a spoon shape, it is going to be a snowy winter. A fork shape means a mild winter and a knife means - oh boy! that means it is going to be downright harsh! 🥄🍴

Well you know I am going to have to dry out some seeds and split them! 😀

Aaah hah! The persimmon seeds have spoke! They have  predicted a snowy winter

retro winter birds clipart

Eeeh ! I have a stitch to share! 


It is a small called Itty Bitty Thumbprint Cookies- just a quick stitch to wet my appetite for Christmas.  

This little ornie has a bowl of dough, a rolling pin and lots of little cookies for Santa's munching pleasure. 



If you are interested in stitching this piece,  just grab , the images. For printing tips, refer to the post Tips for Printing which has loads of tips from my sweet friends. 



 I finished it just like I did Itty Bitty Gingerbread House. If you missed Itty Bitty Gingerbread House , just click the colored link and magically you will be taken back to that post where not only you will find the chart, but also the measurements that I used for finishing.


I dug out this little recipe that is going to be on my baking list this year. 

Turtle Thumbprint Blossoms

Servings: 36 cookies


1 roll of refrigerated sugar cookie dough

1/4 cup of all purpose flour

2 Tablespoons of heavy whipping cream

3/4 cup of pecans finely chopped

22 unwrapped caramels

3/4 teaspoon of coarse Kosher salt or sea salt

36 Hershey Kisses milk chocolate and caramel- unwrapped


1. Heat oven 350 degrees. 

2. In medium bowl, crumble cookie dough . Stir or knead in flour until it is mixed. 

3. Shape dough into 36  1" bolls. 

4. Roll and slightly press balls into pecans. Do not flatten. 

5. Place 1 " apart on ungreased cookie sheets. 

6. Bake for 8-10 minutes or until edges are set and a light golden brown. 

7. Using back of metal spoon make  1 1/4" indention in center of each cookie.

8. Cool for 1 minute and then remove to cooling racks. Cool completely for 30 minutes. 

9. In small bowl , microwave caramels and whipping cream on high for 1 -2 minutes. Stir after 1 minute until caramels are melted and smooth. 

10. Spoon  1/2 teaspoon of caramel into the center of each cookie. 

11. Sprinkle with salt . 

12. Top with Hershey Kiss - pressing slightly until caramel. 

13. Let stand for about 10 minutes



Well, I am off to see what kind of mischief I can wrangle up! If you have a chance , check out your persimmon seeds to see what the weather is going to be or better yet ask a squirrel. Yep, a squirrel with a bushy tail means a cold winter ahead. Brrrr!
"Squirrels gathering nuts in a flurry, 
Will cause snow to come in a hurry." -unknown


As always,

Happy Stitching and Quilting, y'all


"At Christmas , all roads lead home  and the path is fragrant with fresh baked cookies. " - unknown

Gingerbread Hugs and Stitches!!! 🤗🧵

Dedicated to my sweet baby sister, Amy. I love and miss you, Amo. ❤❤❤

Graphics from Graphic Fairy and  Pinterest. 


  1. You've had a busy day!! The Gingerbread designs are so stinkin' cute. I'll have to get better informed so I can stitch them very soon. Enjoy your Tuesday!! I wonder if I should think about going to bed - nah, not yet. LOL DarleneJ

  2. Those persimmons look delicious. It's a fruit that I love.

  3. Your gingerbread designs are stinkin adorable. Got my charts printed and will get them started .ASAP. Hope you have a great stitchy day. ❤️🤗

  4. What an adorable thumbprint cookie ornament, Melisa! Today, it was 48 degrees in the holler and is only expected to hit the mid 50s. Perfect in my book! I did see mid to upper 30s in the overnight forecast later this week. Interesting tidbit you shared about the persimmon seeds. Happy Tuesday!

  5. How neat about the persimmon seeds! I never knew that - it seems like another old wives tale (like cows lying down - fishing is bad) - it would be interesting to see how true this is!
    Thank you for the cute stitches - more for my Christmas future pile!
    The recipe looks delicious! Thank you for sharing the recipe - I'll give it a try.

  6. I am jealous of your early chill and prediction of a snowy winter there in the hollar! We at least had cooler temps yesterday, and it is supposed to get in the 40s tonight - yay! There were 2 persimmon trees on the property we moved to in south Texas. I did not care for them at all - too astringent - but my granddaughter loved them and grabbed fruit off them every time she came to visit. The trees were pretty small and would get so heavy with fruit that the branches would drag the ground. One year they were so heavy they split, and we had to cut them both down. Our granddaughter still scolds us for it - lol!

  7. No persimmons here to check, but I haven't seen any "wooly bears" as yet--they usually mean a cold Winter with snow for us here..
    .It was only 38 here this morning but no frost--north of us (we are on the SE coastline) they had frost predicted. Jack Frost is breathing down our necks I guess now..
    I made us brownies yesterday--we needed nourishment for this coming cold snap hahaha--boy are they fudgey and good--even just from a box mix!! I hope you are having a fun day hugs, Julierose

  8. Never had a persimmon, what do they taste like? What size are they, in one photo they look big and then in another small like a grape? We had frost on the ground and roof of garage this morning.

  9. In Colorado right now, the mornings and evenings are chilly, but the afternoons still get warm. The leaves are falling like crazy, though - it's definitely fall! I did not know that about persimmon seeds, but so interesting! Your Itty Bitty ornament is cute as can be, Melisa! Thanks for sharing your designs with us - I love them!

  10. What a sweet stitch and it's a perfect addition to the previous Itty Bitty Gingerbread house. Your finishing really takes them to the next level. We don't have persimmons here and it took me a minute to understand the silverware thing. It's funny how many times those sorts of old timey things are true. I love thumbprint cookies. I used to make them every year. Hmmm...wonder why I stopped? Thanks for sharing the recipe. That bushy tailed squirrel is so cute!

  11. It’s been quite cold at night here in the UK for some time now, although it’s meant to be getting warmer again. Your Itty bitty ornament is so sweet! I must see if I have those colours. Glad you’re writing again, sure missed you, Melisa. Hope you are feeling better. Have a great trip. Hugs, Barbara @flashinscissors ☺️🙋‍♀️🤗💜xx

  12. That is such a cute ornament, Melisa! Thank you! And the recipe sure looks tasty. That's such an interesting story about the persimmon seeds. I just read that we are due for a wetter, but warmer winter up here in PA. Who knows? I do hope we get more snow than we had last year, though. Now that I'm retired and can just stay inside when it snows, I really don't mind it :) Enjoy your day ♥

  13. I'm on the same schedule as you, Melisa--had to move the houseplants indoors yesterday! I love persimmon. You're so fortunate to have a whole tree of them! Haha--little spoons! We'll see!

  14. We've already had 30 degree mornings here. Today's high is 55!! I had to do food shopping and was dressed in my winter garb. Hubby says we are forecast to get warmer days this weekend. I sure hope so! Your little cookie stitch is adorable, Melisa. Puts me in the mood for holiday baking!

  15. While your new ornament is so cute, you have me curious about the persimmon seed story. May I ask where you live, that you are growing persimmons and can try this experiment? I live in WI and have tried this concept with our wooly caterpillars. But it doesn't always work. Thanks for a fun blog! Sheila

  16. I've never heard the about the weather predictions via persimmons. I'd go for a snowy winter, just no ice storms please. Love your thumb cookie ornament. Very cute! Happy stitching this week.

  17. We've had some rain and some cooler days. The squirrels outside are sure packing away their nuts though so it makes me wonder if they are trying to tell us we have a lot of snow in our future!!!Love your itty bitty stitchery!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

  18. Someone locally split seeds recently and we had spoons too!

    Your new pattern is just adorable and now that makes me want to make cookies! I’ve never made thumb print cookies before, but your recipe sounds tasty!

  19. What a beautiful stamp Melisa! I really love these designs!


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Itty Bitty Thumbprint Cookies Ornament- Christmas Freebie