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Monday, July 8, 2024

On a Roll

 "We have no water," replied Mr. Pinker as he came into the living room last night. 

"What?!?  What are you talking about?" I asked perplexed . "I just took a shower a few minutes ago."

"It just went out. " Mr . Pinker said as he made his way back toward to the hall to the breaker box. "The breaker was not flipped . I'll have to check it tomorrow, " he said with a sigh. 

"Oh bother; thank goodness the water jugs are filled up. " I said . 

By mid morning, the  sun was shining brightly and the heat was creeping up to 100 degrees. Mr. Pinker had been working diligently in the little brick well house since early morning.  It seems that a box had blown. ( I'm not sure what that is ,) but anywhoo, Mr. Pinker made his way to the hardware store, and then back to the ole' well house he went. 

This little box had to be replaced in the well house. The pressure also had to be readjusted. 

After running a few errands and making my way back home , I soon moseyed to the well house. I  surveyed what was going on and  soon made my way back into the house to escape the heat. The first project for the day was to work on piecing 4 patches . Soon I had a wee four patch quilt pieced. 

I added a simple strawberry border to complete the top.  

 I drew out my little Berry Season Doodles  which I had posted earlier this year and then was ready to stitch. But Mr. Pinker came in  ...

The doodle is ready to be embroidered. 

"Do we have water yet? I  asked as Mr. Pinker made his way to the kitchen for a refreshing drink.

 "Not yet , but I have about got it!" 

"Whatcha fixin to do ?" he asked.

 " Clean up all my sewing stuff, I said. I hustled back to my machine and hurriedly folded fabric. That is when I spotted my snippet jar.

 "Today is the day!" I chimed! 

"What dear? What are you talking about ? " asked Mr. Pinker  as he reentered the room.

 "I'm on a roll! " I laughed. 

"What about this time?  I am working as fast as I can on the water, " Mr. Pinker replied with a grin. 

 " Oh no not that ! I am on a fabric roll! Aaah , never mind ;  you want get it? "I said as I smiled.  

"Another project? "Mr. Pinker asked as he grinned walking out of the room. 

"Oh yes, I am going to be on a roll " I said to myself . I am going to work on a meditation roll or scroll just like Julierose.

 So " cleaning my work area" went to the dogs as I began to snip and glue little wee scraps of fabric onto  a 2 1/2" strip.

Tee Tiny scraps of fabric waiting for a project. 

 I pasted them here and there and everywhere with no rhyme or reason. 

The  snippets of fabric were pasted down onto a strip of fabric using a gluestick. 

 "Now how did Julierose do it? "I asked myself. After glueing several pieces of fabric I went back to Julierose's blog and poured over her posts and then back to work I went. 

Boy was this "cut and paste "  activity fun! I felt like I was a schoolgirl again! 

I could not resist pulling out a bit of red thread and begin adding a few wonky stitches.

A slow stitching project in the works. 

 After adding just a few stitches, Mr. Pinker came back into the house and exclaimed the "Water is on!"  "Woo Hoo ! It is a great day!" 

That's the Monday happenings in the holler . The youngins' will be here shortly so we shall see what they get into. LOL. Thank you for the sweet visit, and I hope your week is starting out with a whole lot of water 💧💦😃and a whole lot of stitching.  ( Now we can not be without water when it is this hot. Wheeww! ) 

I have been stitching stars these last few days. This was a sweet gift from my dear friend, PJ. It is "Stars and Stripes" by With Thy Needle and Thread. 

 As Always...

Happy quilting and stitching, y'all


"You will always find an answer in the sound of water. "

Hugs and Stitches!!! 🤗❤🧵

Dedicated to my sweet baby sister, Amy . I love and miss you so much, Amo! 💗💗💗

I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needle workers to meet.

Nina at Creations, Quilts, Art , Whatever by Nina for Off the Wall Friday

Frederique at   Quilting Patchwork Applique for Patchwork & Quilts - Saturday

Kathy at Kathy's Quilts for Slow Stitching Sunday

Kate at Life in Pieces for  Stitching Stuff ( Sunday) 

Cynthia at Quilting is More Fun Than Housework for Oh Scrap - Sunday 

Melva at Melva Loves Scraps for Sew & Tell- Sunday

Brenda at Songbird Designs for Monday Musings

Judy at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts for Design Wall Monday


  1. Your little roll is really looking good--love the red thread glad you decided to try one out. I really find working on this so relaxing and calming...enjoy--;))))
    Nice to have your water woes fixed...especially since your youngins' will be visiting...
    Hugs, Julierose ;)))

    1. Thank you so much, Julierose for the inspiration; I certainly was ready to chase another squirrel. Hee! Hee! I am really enjoying it. I worked on a few more inches of it tonight. I think this could become addictive . LOL. Happy stitching. Hugs.

  2. Ugh -- losing the well power is a royal pain. Glad Mr. Pinker could fix it. I like your little strawberries and four patch. I'm hoping to make a couple of doll quilts during the next month and this is a great idea. Thanks.

    1. Oh it is Bonnie. We had just made repairs in October ; thankfully the hardware store replaced the box and hubby had the water on by evening time. I am so glad it was not the pump. Oh I just love doll quilts. I look forward to seeing what you come up with. Happy quilting. Hugs.

  3. I love your berry project! That will be the perfect little quilt to add those sweet embroideries to. So glad Mr. Pinker could fix the well! And your scrappy meditation roll is so interesting - a fun way to just play!

    1. I have an affection for little four patches so this was a quick project to create and now I can get onto the fun stuff like embroidery. LOL. Thankfully, the well was a relatively quick fix and it helps that hubby is good at tinkering at stuff like that. It is never any fun to be without water. LOL. Have a lovely evening, Diann. Hugs.

  4. I love your berry and 4 patch projects. Those are the types of projects that make my heart sing. Lalalalala Thank goodness Mr Pinker was able to repair the challenge with the water. Ugh!!! Playing with a 'meditation roll' sounds incredible. Plying my needle and thread working on an embroidery projects makes me so happy - just stitching without fretting about counting stitches, etc. I'm going to read about the whole thing on Julierose's blog. Thank you for sharing, Melisa. DarleneJ

    1. Oh yes those little quilts make my heart sing too! Plus they are so quick. I have been working on the embroidery tonight. I put a few more stitches in the meditation scroll tonight too. It is so relaxing and freeing to just stitch willey nilly . LOL. Thank you for the sweet visit and Have a beautiful day. Hugs.

  5. Thank goodness you were able to fix the water problem!
    Beautiful that quilt and the new meditation strip project.

    1. I was so glad it was nothing major; it would been awful if the pump was down. Thank you so much, dear Isabel. I hope you are having a great week. Hugs.

  6. Thank goodness for Mr. Pinker! Well water is a blessing, until you can't get any of it. ;) The play/on a roll project looks a little like crazy quilting, which I love. Hope you have a wonderful day!

    1. That is so true, Linda. Thankfully it was a relatively easy fix. It would have been awful if the pump was down. The meditation roll has been a fun experiment and very relaxing. It's fun to do something different every now and then. Hope you are having a great week. Stay cool. Hugs.

  7. Your little strawberry quilt is darling, Melisa. Your strip of scraps is neat. Glad Mr. Pinker got the water issue taken care of! Happy Tuesday!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Robin. I have been working on the strawberry quilt today. I hope to have the embroidery completed soon. I am so glad we have water again! Wheew! Hugs

  8. I saw those meditation roles over at Julierose's blog as well. They look like a lot of fun. I'm happy you got your water back. Mr. Pinker is a hero!!

    1. Julierose's meditation rolls are so cute; I had to try it. It has been very relaxing so far; it is something different. I am relieved to have water again. Wheew I was sweating it. LOL. Thank you Jeanna for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  9. No water can be such a bear! Handy Mr. Pinker to the rescue! Sorry to hear about the what had to be a very uncomfortable work environment in the pump house but it was all worth it with the results. I bet he enjoyed a nice cool-ish shower after it was all done, huh? Your little strawberry quilt is going to be sooo pretty with the doodles included! We are getting heat this week, too. Not something I particularly enjoy. Your strip is really pretty. It looks like something I do with strings and crumbs and cash register tape. What do you do with it after it is made?

    1. It is never fun to be without water; thankfully it was a relatively quick stitch, but yes it was hot and cramped in the well house. Hopefully, we will not have any problems for some time. Oooh your crumb project with cash register tape sounds interesting and fun too. A lot of the ladies have been taking these little strips and attaching them to wooden spools - they are cute. I am hoping to order some spools this week. It has been fun just to stitch free with abandon. LOL. Hope you had a great day, Ginny and staying cool. This is a hot summer isn't it? Hugs.

  10. Cute stitches! Funny you should mention water. I just got a text from our water board saying we have an outage. This happened a week or so ago and we never lost water. And so far we still have water, so we shall see! Have a great week, my friend and thanks for joining with us at Monday Musings!

    1. Oh I hope they have bypassed you and are not going to have an outage in your area. What a pill that would be. Thankfully , we were only out for less than 24 hours. Thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  11. It's a good thing your guy is so handy. No water, in this heat, absolutely no fun. Sometimes you have to just take the time to do something fun. The meditation roll looks like it was a lot of fun to play with.

    1. Growing up on a farm certainly was an advantage to hubby learning different skills. It is nice that he can tackle these projects and saves us money as well. LOL. I ordered a wooden spool to put the meditation scroll on when I get it completed. I hope it works out. Thank you so much, Kate. Hugs and Blessings. 

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