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Sunday, September 29, 2024

This and That Sunday

 Happy Sunday , Pumpkins! Please do come in and join me for a bit of this and that. 


The other day I was looking though my old Country Living magazines. I loved the 1980's early 1990's decor. How about you?   Here are a few pages from a 1988 magazine.  These fall tablescapes make my heart go thumpity thump! ❤💓💖💓❤

This table has a pretty quilt top on it. 

I adore everything about this kitchen!  Mmm that braided rug. 🤗

I guess I should get my head out of the clouds of dreaming of pretty country kitchens and talk about stitching. 

Image from Pinterest. 

All week long my sewing machine has been humming and buzzing along creating lots of pretty 16 patches. 

I hope to finish piecing the blocks this week and then figure out the layout.


Baby Girl says "Hi!"  She is one of the baby strays that was born this year. 

Later today I will finish this wee pumpkin stitch and...

A Pumpkin and A Crow in the works. 

A new house stitch is under construction. But the work yard is being over taken by a turkey and her plump pumpkins. Oh bother! 

Monday night the grandsons played baseball. As I cheered along the sidelines, I also completed the embroidery work on Harvest Season

Being the thrifty gal that I am , I gathered up bits and pieces of bating to piece together. 

Piecing batting together. 

I whipped stitched the scrap batting together. 

Whip stitching batting scraps together. 

And chose the same Cranston print fabric that I used in A Leafy Mug Rug that I shared yesterday for the backing.

Now Harvest Season is ready for the hoop.  I will be working on it today and tomorrow. 

Well , Sweeties, I will leave you with the most darling sewing project of all!!! My grandsons and nephews spent the night over the weekend and my oldest made his own pincushion using 2 1/2" scraps. He then glued the corners into a little bowl. - just precious! 

My grandson made this darling pincushion. 

Have a super duper day! And ...

As always,

Happy Stitching and Quilting, y'all


"Today I will be happy, be mindful, be grateful."

Hugs and Stitches!!! 🤗🧵

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy. I miss and love you so much.   ❤👼

I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needle workers to meet.

Kathy at Kathy's Quilts for Slow Stitching Sunday

Kate at Life in Pieces for  Stitching Stuff ( Sunday) 

Cynthia at Quilting is More Fun Than Housework for Oh Scrap - Sunday 

Melva at Melva Loves Scraps for Sew & Tell- Sunday

Brenda at Songbird Designs for Monday Musings

Judy at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts for Design Wall Monday

Carol at Quilt Schmilt  for To Do List Tuesday  


  1. You have so much going on Melisa! I don’t know how you manage to keep track of all your projects. 😄 Love the wee pumpkin stamp! I especially love all your little quilts and Harvest Season is no exception. If I can get my printer to work I will be printing the pattern. Thank you so much for all the sweet inspiration. Warmest hugs, Barbara @flashinscissors 😘🤗🙋‍♀️👋👍xx

    1. Happy Sunday, dear Barbara. I hope your day has been a lovely one. I have had a great week on the stitching front. I was able to complete more than I expected. It is a rainy day here so I will be spending the day with needle and thread. I hope you were able to stitch a bit too. Thank you for the sweet Sunday visit. Hugs.

  2. Melisa, I haven't been keeping up with the treasures you create, but with the recent hurricane and storms throughout the Southeast, I've been thinking of you. The wind and rain have caused such serious flooding and resulting damage. I don't need to know exactly where you are located, but could you let us know that you are ok? Prayers for all in the path of Helene. Kris in WI.

    1. Aaaah you are so kind , Kris for checking in on me. Your thoughtfulness means the world to me. School let out for the storms on Friday and that evening the rains and winds came through. Fortunately , there was little and damage here. We just loss a couple of trees and thankfully none fell on the house. My heart goes out to all of those who did get hit hard by Helene. Have a wonderful evening, Kris and thank you again. Hugs and Blessings.

  3. Hi Melisa, can only say: Busy as a bee. How long is your day for all the pretty things to do?
    The pumpkin stamp is lovely. Well fall has the beautiest colors of the year.
    Have a bright sunday.
    Hugs, Gabi

    1. Happy Sunday, Gabi. I hope you are having a delightful day. Oh yes, I am trying to stay busy, but I have to admit that I would love to have more hours in the day. Hee! Hee! Today is another rainy day so it is a good time to enjoy some time with the needle and thread. Thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs and Blessings.

  4. Melisa, I have no idea how you get all you do finished. You are definitely an inspiration. Love your new little quilt and your wee pumpkin and of course I’m excited to see the beginning of your new house construction. Grandbabies are so stinkin special and just wait to have great grandbabies—be still my heart. I have 7 grandbabies and 4 great grandbabies. They are awesome blessings Hope you have a great stitchy day my friend. 🖤🧡🤗

    1. Oh wow, Patti. You are so fortunate to have all of those fabulous grand and great grandbabies. I just know you spoil them rotten too. There is nothing like them is there? I am hoping to make more progress on the house today and perhaps start a new one- we shall see. LOL. I wish you a wonderful evening. Hug and Blessings

  5. I used to LOVE Country Living. I haven't even seen one in years. Love your sweet Harvest Season! Have a great Sunday.

    1. I am so glad that I saved a lot of my older Country Living magazines. I love looking at the decor and the recipes. I am not sure if Country Living is still in business. Hmm are they? Thank you so much, dear for the sweet Sunday visit. I wish you a wonderful day as well. Hugs.

  6. What a great post to read this morning! It sounds like you have had a busy and productive week, Melisa. I like the pictures you featured from past issues of Country Living. I need to see if they have it at the grocery store. Because you know, fall! The new house is looking good as are your 16-patch blocks. Happy Sunday, my friend!

    1. Happy Sunday, Robin. Is it a rainy day in your neck of the woods? It is still coming down in drips and drabs here. I did have a productive week which was nice since I thought last week was not as productive. LOL. I was wondering if Country Living is still on the racks today. I love flipping through my older magazines, but let my subscription fall to the wayside years and years ago. I enjoy magazines though. Have a wonderful day, sweet friend. Hugs.

  7. Yes we definitely have to use up batting by whipping it together! You have been a busy bee again.

    1. Hi, Vicki. Hubby found a bag of scrap batting at the thrift store the other day for 99 cents. Of course , I grabbed it and began found just a few pieces for my wee quilt. We quilters like to use every bit of fabric and batting don't we? LOL. Thank you for the sweet visit, Vicki. I wish you a delightful day. Hugs.

  8. So many beautiful cross stitch projects! That autumn sampler makes me smile. Have a wonderful Sunday.

  9. You had a really good day with all that sewing!!:)) I always love days like that..
    I really love your 16 patches--your fabric choices are perfect for autumn days...and....
    Nice work on Harvest Season--it is always so rewarding to set embroideries in a little quilt for me!!
    Still plugging away on my Kathy Schmitz redwork.panel here--15 min at a time...
    and almost done with my table topper's hand quilting--only 2 more rows to go...YAY Hugs for a wonderful Sunday...Julierose

    1. It is so exciting that you are nearing an end on your table topper! I have been trying to dedicate 15 minutes a day to my strawberry quilt as well ; it is definitely moving it right along. I am really excited about my 16 patch quilt. Hmmm maybe I can piece a few blocks tonight. Fingers crossed. Have a wonderful evening, Julierose. Hugs.

  10. I love the blue dishes in the third magazine photo down! You could pull that look off with your hutch - it's always so cutely done. Love seeing what you're stitching on, Melisa! The 16 patches are beauties, and both of the cross-stitch starts have me intrigued. That pumpkin is so pretty! Have a lovely Sunday!

    1. I fell in love with all of those blues in the photograph too. I have been trying to gather up my blue pieces and relocate them in one place. I do need to put them on the hutch. I have had a great week of starts on the cross stitch front . I just hope I can keep up the momentum. LOL. Have a wonderful day, Diann and thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  11. Yes, love Country Living! Those golden leaves all over the table!?! Fun, but how does one sit at that table!?! I enjoy seeing your many projects, Melisa! And your GS's pincushion is the cutest!!!

    1. Lol isn't that a pretty tablescape. But my grandsons and hubby would have those leaves all over the floor in no time. And the little one would be throwing them about. Hee! Hee! I was proud of my grandson. I has a lot of patience and I think he did a great job for his 1st time. Thank you so much , Nancy for the sweet Sunday visit. Hugs.

  12. Your little Harvest Season is adorable, Melisa--that's so nice that you can also work on your stitching while watching your grandsons play ball. And how wonderful that the oldest has inherited his grandmother's creativity--that's a great little pincushion he made! Hope you were spared any damage from Helene... Enjoy your last day of September tomorrow! ♥

    1. It just warmed my heart when my grandson said he would like to make a pincushion. He is always looking at mine and keeps my pins all in order according to color. LOL. But he did a fabulous job ; I was so proud. Thankfully , we just had a couple of trees come down and there was no damage to the house or buildings here. It is still rainy here which we needed the rain. I wish you a lovely evening and thank you for the sweet visit, Carol .Hugs.

  13. Always so much happening in your corner of the world. Busy hands, happy heart!!! Last night while I was preparing for bed something occurred to me. It was seriously eye opening LOL You're making 4 four patches for each 16 patch, and I can't seem to make time to make one 4 patch. As I put my hands on my hips and stomp my foot I profess that I'm making at least one 4 patch today. There!!! LOL. We'll see how true that is. ROFLOL Enjoy your Sunday, my friend. DarleneJ

    1. LOL one four patch a day certainly adds up. Hee! Hee! You can do it, Darlene!!! I have my pom poms out and a cheerleading outfit on cheering you on. Raaah ! Raah ! Raah! Hee! Hee! Go Darlene! I have to admit sometimes I have to force myself to sew too, but once I get going I usually get in the groove. Do you want to know what I hate doing the most? Cutting and pressing the fabric! Boy do I drag my heels . But I am really enjoying the 16 patches. Have a beautiful day, sweet friend and thank you for always bringing a smile and giggle to my day. Hugs.

  14. Your 16 patches are looking good! Harvest Season went together beautifully, that background print is perfect. You are moving along with several projects. Love the new house stitchery, very fun.

    1. I had a good week of quilting and stitching. I sure hope this week will be just as productive. I hope to finish piecing all of the 16 patches this week. Fingers crossed. Thank you so much Kate for the sweet Monday visit. Hugs.

  15. I'm so glad to hear that you are okay and only minimal damage happened on your place. So much devastation after Helene hit. As usual, you were busy as ever. I thought piecing batting was a normal thing until I heard it wasn't. LOL I used to get Country Living magazine. That is cool that you still have yours. Baby Girl is such a pretty little thing. I miss our kitty. New stitches looking very fall and wintery.

    1. We were so grateful that there was little damage here, but my heart aches for those that was hit hard. It was horrible. I didn't know if others piece their batting or not. It is good to hear that quilters do that. I try to use every scrap I can. LOL. Baby Girl is getting a little less shy and stays on the porch when I feed her now. Her sisters still run off. I was thrilled to pieces when my grandson said he wanted to make a pincushion. He gathered up the pieces and knew exactly what he wanted to do. I thought he did a great job. Thank you so much, dear Ginny for the sweet visit. Hugs and Blessings.

  16. Forgot! Kudos to your grandson and his cute little pincushion!

  17. Replies
    1. You are so very kind. Thank you so much for the sweet visit and kind compliment. I wish you a very lovely day.

  18. Such beautiful stitching!
    A couple weeks ago when we were in Scotland we stayed a couple nights in this little town where the street name was Pinkerton--a big sign right there every time we came or went. Just made me think of you! LOL. Meant to grab a pic...

    1. Good morning, Cheree. Oh, I bet you had a grand time in Scotland. It was such a delight to see your post filled with beautiful photos. Well how fun on the street name!  That just made me smile. Thank you for the sweet visit and have a blessed and beautiful day. 

  19. Your 16-patch blocks are looking great, Melisa! Great way to use up those little scraps! I love those old Country Living and Southern Living mags! Some really cute ideas. I remember my grandmother use to crochet those braided rugs with long strips of fabric and a huge crochet hook! Love the little pincushion your grandson made - adorable! Thanks for sharing with us at Monday Musings!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Brenda. I hope to move the 16 patches along this week. Aaah what a sweet memory of your grandmom. Do you have any of her rugs? I have hubby's grandmother's crocheted rug. It is a treasure and so soft and durable. A few years ago I made one in white. I will have to take a photo of it soon . It does need a good dusting and cleaning though. Warm hugs. 


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