Friday, February 14, 2025

Finally Home!

Home again! home again! Jiggity jig! 

Welcome y'all and a very lovely day to you! Well, Mr. Pinker and I rolled in off the dusty trail and made our way back to the old homestead in the holler after spending over a month camping in warmer weather.  We had a ball with lots of grand adventures and a few mishaps- one  of which was my computer. But I came home to a new one waiting for me. 

 Anywhoo we spent most of our time in the mountains exploring one path after another.  

Fixing to ride down a steep hill where one off roader slid down. 

We admired the beauty of the cacti which surrounded us. 

The Great Tree in Quartzsite is estimated to be 1058 years old. 

We found lots of old miner's camps to explore. Most of which were long forgotten and were slowly tumbling to the ground. 

We even went into a few mines that were no longer active - but not too far into them.  Oooh - spooky!

 I marveled at the petroglyphs in Quartzsite.  I wonder what stories these drawings tell.


Grinding pot

 We did not see many animals . A few mule deer and antelope. 

Oh, bother ! Dust and debris was on the camera lens. 

Mr. Pinker's highlight was to see the quail in the area. We would see coveys of them each evening before they roosted. 

 In the evenings, we would sit and admire the sunsets. The colors of the sky out west are glorious. I do not see many sunsets like this here in my neck of the woods. 

 Soon it was time to pack up and head for home. We had grandchildren to see and doctor appointments to attend. Uggh on the appointments. 😝😜😀

 Before we made our way home though, we had to stop at Buc-ees for a dessert.  This was the 2nd time , I had visited a Buc-ees.  

 I was able to work on some stitching and quilt projects as we camped and of course, I did a little thrifting as well. Hee! Hee!  I will show you those projects and goodies as I unpack  in future posts.  Sshh,  don't tell anyone , but not only do I have to unpack, but I have to take down my Christmas decor  too ( Mr. Pinker and I left soon after Christmas so we did not have time to take the trees down. ) Oh well, I will get it down soon. 

 Well, Sweeties, I better run. If you are in the neighborhood, stop on by and help me unpack. Hee ! Hee! 😀😄I have loads upon loads of laundry to do . I better get a move on!   

I wish you a wonderful , Sweetheart Day ! Happy Happy Valentine's! 

Please forgive me as it will take awhile for me to get caught up on correspondences and posting especially since I am learning to use a new computer.   I feel like I am as slow as molasses as I get older. 😏

Love this Willie sticker! 

As Always, 

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, y'all


Thank you for the sweet visit. 

"Adventure is worthwhile in itself!  " - Amelia Earhart

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

Dedicated to my baby sister, Amy. Love and miss you, Amo. 


  1. Hello again. Nice to read about your adventures. Thanks for the beautiful pics. The best is the Willie sticker. One of my favorite singer. If only he should know that I am singing with him in duett every day, Hahahaha.
    Have a great day, Gabi

    1. Hi, Gabi. Isn't that Willie sticker a hoot! Lol. Hmm I wonder if you and me could be his back up singers. Hee! Hee! I find myself singing his tunes too. Thank you for the sweet Friday visit . Have a blessed day. Hugs.

  2. Welcome home!!! You and Mr Pinker were very missed. You must have been in my backyard to enjoy that beautiful sunset. They are a regular sight around here. I was thinking about you earlier while I was sitting at my sewing machine. I made 4 little quilts today and it felt good to sit and enjoy my machine. Enjoy your Friday and Happy Valentine's Day. Gentle hugs!! Darlene J

    1. Hi, Darlene. I thought about you while I was in AZ. Goodness you sure do live in a beautiful state and oh , those glorious sunsets. Eeeh it sounds like you are on fire at the sewing machine! I know you are working on some beauties. You are making me want to forget the chores and rush to my sewing machine. LOL. Hmmm that just may happen. Hee! Hee! Have a super day. Hugs.

  3. Your trips photos are lovely. I think the air is more clear in the southwest, not as much humidity as the eastern states. It's is cold here this morning 4*! But it's February and it's supposed to be winter. Happy organizing and homecoming!

    1. Brrrr! Now that is downright freezing! I hope that I have missed the cold weather though it is supposed to get in the 20's this week in the mornings. I think you are right about the air out west. Even on a cloudy day, the sky looked beautiful out there. Have a wonderful day, Gretchen and thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  4. Welcome home! Glad you made it back safe and sound and that you enjoyed your trip so much. You know, as much as we have RV'd, we've never been to Quartzsite. Probably because dh hates to empty the tanks ;-) Thanks for sharing your pics with us. Blessings!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Donna. Well I can not believe that you haven't been to Quartzsite. Oh yes dumping the tanks is a chore especially having to move. We had a ball checking out the sites and visiting the tent shows though. But mostly we wanted to escape the winter weather here. LOL. I hope you are doing well. Are you back on the road yet? Have a great weekend and Happy Valentine's. Hugs.

  5. Love seeing the trails you hiked. Did you see any snakes, or was it still too cool for them? Did you or Mr Pinker pan for any gold? ;)

    1. Oh thank you so much, Linda. Thankfully we did not see any snakes. Hubby is always telling me to watch out for snakes ( he doesn't think I pay attention. ) Hee! Hee! But it was warm enough for them. We did see lizards warming on the rocks. Oh yes, Mr. Pinker searched for gold. He had a ball! LOL. Bummer- he didn't strike it rich. Hee! Hee! Oh well. Thank you for the sweet visit, Linda. Warm hugs from the holler.

  6. What a wonderful adventure, Melisa. I'm glad you are home - you've been missed! Sending you big Valentine's hugs!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Brenda. We had a grand ole' time . It was very relaxing and peaceful for the soul as well. Have a wonderful weekend with your hubby. Happy Valentine's Day. Hugs.

  7. happy valentine's day Melisa and hubby.
    i am so happy you made it home safely. it's so nice camping out, but even nicer coming home with all the new made memories.
    leave the trees up - you're ready for next year.
    blessings and love are on the way to you Melisa. hugs.
    Debra Broyles

    1. Happy happy Valentine's Day, Debra and Happy Friday. We had a great time, but it is nice to be home too especially being able to see the grandsons. LOL I am tempted to enjoy the Christmas trees a few more days- I just love the lights. Hee! Hee! But hopefully, I will have it all packed and put away in a week. Wheew ! What a job. LOL. I wish you a wonderful day, sweet Debra. Hugs and Blessings.

  8. So glad you had a grand time at Quartzsite! Your pic's look like some I have taken in the past!!

    1. Aaw thank you so much, Vicki. I was thinking about you while we were out there. We did not get down to Yuma this year. I hope you have been having a great time. Quartzsite was beginning to thin out when we left, but I am sure more campers were going to move in with the new shows. Have a great weekend. Hugs.

  9. Welcome home, Melisa! I thought of you as we were on our trip - especially when I saw the saguaro cactus. We saw quail, too - they are a fun bird to spot! So glad you had such a good time with lots of fun adventures, but hope you didn't have to get your winter coat like I did when we got into New Mexico on the way home! 🥶

    1. Hi , Diann and Happy Valentine's . We may have passed one another while traveling. We were in Winslow too. Oh how fun that you all saw quail too. We looked for them everywhere last year, but did not see any. Oh yes, we spotted the snow on the mountains in NM. Brrrr! - Back to winter weather. LOL. I hope you have made it home safely. Have a great weekend. Hugs.

  10. Sounds like a fun trip! Glad you are home safe and sound. Love, AnnMakesThings

    1. Hi, Ann. I hope you are doing well. We had a great time . I was able to do a little quilting and stitching too. It is nice to be home though. I look forward to visiting you on IG and seeing what you have been up to. You always have so many pretties in the works. Have a wonderful weekend and Happy Valentine's . Hugs.

  11. Yes, I'm curious too. Did you two pan for gold? It looks like your trip was glorious. Welcome home!!!---TerryK@OnGoingProjects

    1. Happy Friday, Terry. Hubby used his metal detector in search for riches but alas he did not strike it rich. Hee! Hee! I tried using the metal detector but it was a bit heavy for me so I will have to build up my arm strength. I usually took my chair along when he went on his "digs" and I would sit and cross stitch or applique. We had a great time though. Have a great weekend. Warm hugs.

  12. Welcome home, Melisa! That was quite the trip... really enjoyed seeing your photos from out that way. You're right--there is just something so special about sunsets out west. I still remember how beautiful they were when visiting our son in San Diego. I'm with you on the doctor's appointments--ugh, ugh, ugh! And they seem to come up more and more frequently as we get older, too. I've already been to four different doctors and it's only mid-February :( Anyway, Happy Valentine's Day--good luck with that new computer! ♥

    1. Happy Valentine's Day, Carol. I hope it is not too cold in your neck of the woods. Oh yes, those sunsets out west are spectacular. I could not wait to see what colors the sky would behold each evening. The next 2 weeks hold doctor's appointments for hubby and I. Double ugggh! Lol. I hope you are doing well. Sending you warm hugs and well wishes. Hugs.

  13. Looks like the ideal month away from home vacation ~ Happy Valentines to you :)

  14. A month away that's a nice long trip. Always fun e ploring and discovering new places. I'm sure you are pleased to be back home and catch up with your farm animals again. That's a beautiful sunset photo.

  15. Welcome home, Melisa. It's been a while, hasn't it? I'm so glad you shared so many photos of such amazing things with us. Imagine the time lapse since those petroglyphs were put on that rock. And that grinding bowl was sooo cool! Those sorts of things give me the shivers. Can't wait to see all the things from your trip.

  16. Oh Melisa, welcome home! I am glad you are back safe and sound from your warm weather adventures. Thank you for sharing your pictures and adventures! That Willie Nelson sticker is spot on!

  17. The sunset is beautiful!!! IT looks like a wonderful and relaxing time!

  18. Sounds a great trip Melisa! No way would I enter any caves! I’d be worrying about snakes and spiders! Glad to know you are home again. ☺️👍🤗👋🙋‍♀️💜💜💜xxx Barbara @flashinscissors Oh, and I’m still waiting for hospital appointments too. 🤷‍♀️xx

  19. Welcome home, Melisa. Looking forward to catching up :)

  20. So glad you got home safely. That sunset is just gorgeous. Hopefully you are all unpacked and have started getting into the groove of being home.


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