
Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Munch and Sew

Crunch! Crunch! Crunch!  
Sew! Sew! Sew! 
Crunch! Sew! ....


 Good afternoon, Sweeties! I am munching and crunching and sewing up a storm! ! Hee! Hee! 

Yes, I am working on my potato chip quilt blocks.  😁

Little 2 1/2 x 4 1/2 colorful rectangles are being pieced one by one.

So far I have 15 blocks with the darker fabrics on the outside.

The vintage Tom's potato chip rack is my newest thrifty find. 

Now I am working on blocks with the lighter fabrics on the outside of the block as well in the center. Hmm does that make sense? I sure hope so. 

Four light blocks completed.   

Ooops, my chips have spilled out on the "design floor"!  I will be adding more "light " chips as I progress. 

Each "chip" measures 12 1/2" x 12 1/2" unfinished.

Now grab you a bag of chips and a handful of scraps and join me in the sewing room. Between the both of us , I am sure we can get these tater chips whipped out! 

As Always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, y'all


"All my life I thought air was free until I bought  a bag of chips. "  😂😁😂 Funny but true.

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy. I love and miss you so much.. Love you , Amo. 

Boo and Jack Stamp which I shared in my  October, 28, 2023 post. 

Vintage images from Pinterest. 

 I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needleworkers to meet. 

Susan at Quilt Fabrication for  Midweek Makers Wednesday

Jennifer at Inquiring Quilter for Wednesday  Wait Loss- Wednesday

Denise at For the Love of Geese for Put Your Foot Down- Thursday

Kelly at My Quilt Infatuation for Needle and Thread Thursday- Thursday

Nina at Creations, Quilts, Art , Whatever by Nina for Off the Wall Friday

Alycia's of Alycia's Quilts for Finished of Not Friday

Michelle  at From Bolt to Beauty for Beauty Pageant - Friday

Alycia's of Alycia's Quilts for Finished of Not Friday

Joy at Days Filled with Joy for Home Matters


  1. Growing up in Chicago only Jays potato chips would do. Yours are very pretty though! 😀

    1. Happy Monday, Maureen. Now I have never heard of Jays. I bet they were yummy to your tummy. We grew up on Pringles and then Lays. Now I buy whatever that is the cheapest. . LOL. Love my chips. Hee ! Hee! Have a beautiful day, Sweetie and thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  2. Melisa, your Chip Quilt is stinkin AWESOME. You have the yummiest fabric for your quilts. Can’t wait to see it all finished. You have a great day sweet friend. 🤗🩷

    1. Oh Patti, I can not tell you how much fun I am having using these soft playful colors. They make my heart sing! Thank you for the sweet and chipper visit. Hugs from the holler.

  3. Yay on the PC blocks. Tried one yesterday...pretty fun. Loving your scrappiness. Best to you!

    1. Aren't they fun to work on , Betty? The piece up pretty quickly too especially when you get into the groove. Thank you so much for the sweet visit. I wish you a wonderful day. Hugs.

  4. Those are such cute scrappy blocks, Melisa! Great idea to make half with a darker outside and half with a lighter. And I love that you have a potato chip rack to display your blocks on!

    1. Thank you so much, Diann. I am really enjoying how these blocks are turning out. Isn't that potato chip rack the bomb? LOL. I was thrilled to find that piece. Have a fabulous day and Happy quilting. Hugs.

  5. I really like how you are alternating the light and dark blocks. It really makes the pattern stand out. The Tom's potato chip stand will be perfect for sticking up all sorts of smaller things. Great thinking! Have you made these cookies? Are they good?

    1. I am thrilled with how the light blocks look with the dark. I look forward to piecing more this week. I haven't tried the recipe , but I look forward to making them. I have been looking for different cookie recipes for the upcoming holidays and I thought this sounded very interesting. I wish you a fabulous day. I am hoping to work on a few more quilt blocks before the grandkids arrive tomorrow. Hugs and Blessings

  6. Those potato chip blocks look great on the "potato chip design floor". It's obvious you're having lots and lots of fun. Have fun my friend. Gentle hugs. Darlene J

  7. Such great [potato] chip blocks--[no matter how many times I try to "eat better" I just cannot give up my potato chips it seems hahaha....].
    This WIP will be so pretty with all those lovely fabrics...making these sounds as addictive as potato chips themselves...enjoy ;)))) {crunch crunch} hugs Julierose

    1. Lol these blocks are super addictive , Julierose (crunch crunch- Hee! Hee! ) especially since they are so easy to piece. I am having a ball working on them . Have a fabulous and fun weekend. Hugs.

  8. I can practically hear you crunching! Lol! Adorable blocks and should be easy to piece together once all the lights are done too! Hope you had a wonderful stitching day!

    1. LOL these potato chips are fabulous! Hee! Hee! I am having a ball piecing these quick blocks. I precut all of my fabrics so it is making the process so much quicker. Have a wonderful day. Hugs

  9. Fun to see your potato chip quilt. I started one as a leader/ender, which is still in progress. Made the squares 1 1/2 X 2 1/2 so progress is not quite as fast. Good scrap eater! Like the contrast you have with lights and darks. Thanks for keeping us motivated!

    1. Aaaw I bet your potato chip block are adorable . What a great size for the strips too. This would be a fabulous leader / ender project. I hope you keep me updated on your progress. Have a great day and happy quilting. Hugs

    2. Pardon. What IS the leader/ender project? I know the leader term in quilting, but never heard of projects with them... And I'm afraid google is not much help. Thanks. Lil

  10. Really cute blocks Melisa, and looks like you had fun making them. Love the vintage chip rack. My home state of Oklahoma has a specialty chocolate company called Bedre' that makes gourmet chocolates and has a popular one that is chocolate dipped potato chips. Sounds good, right?

    1. Oooh chocolate dipped potato chips sounds divine. Of course, I just had to go look up Bedre's and see if I could find a homemade recipe. Hmmm I think I need some! LOL. Thank you for the sweet visit, Linda. Hugs.

  11. Haha! All those potato chip references!!! Even a potato chip quilt rack! Great scrappy, fun blocks, Melisa! And yes, I noticed the potato chips were moved up to 2 cups in the recipe!?!

    1. LOL thank you so much, Nancy. I bet you can tell I am having a ball with this block. I found that recipe on Pinterest and thought it sounded interesting. I am hoping to try it here soon. Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs

  12. A very fun scrap buster. I have a scrappy purple and yellow quilt made from that block. It's one of my favorite scrap quilts.

    1. Oh how fun, Kate. I have never thought of a 2 colored potato chip quilt. I bet it is stunning. You are giving me some ideas. Thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs

  13. Your potato chip blocks are looking fabulous, Melisa. So, what is your favorite brand of chips?

    1. Aaw thank you so much, Robin. These are super fun blocks to work on. Hmm I think my favorite brand of chips is Lays, but this gal always buys what is on sale. LOL. Hope you are having a great weekend. Hugs.

  14. Oh that is coming together so nicely!! Isn't it fun!

    1. Aaaw thank you so much, Vicki. These blocks are definitely addictive. Have a great weekend. Hugs.

  15. Your potato chip blocks are great, Melisa! And that Tom's rack brings so many memories of my childhood at my grandparents, then ours, then my uncle's, little country store. Awesome, but makes me homesick! LOL Thanks for sharing that recipe. I am going to give that a try! I think Chicken Legs and my grands will love them! Hugs!!

    1. Aaaw I am so glad that the little Tom's chip rack brought back fond memories of your family's country store. I bet you have many tales of spending time with your family  in the store. I was thrilled to find that little piece. Thank you for the sweet visit and have a great weekend. Hugs. 

  16. I still haven't figured out if you had potato chips or just sewed them... me i'm going to focus on the no-calorie latter version! can you believe after years of studying blocks i heard of potato chip one only a few weeks ago? what a coincidence. i don't think it's in Barbara Brackman's book... :/ although it is old enough...
    i love such blocks - biggish chunks of fabric, like bricks, to showcase the prints.
    thank you for sharing. Lil
    (really craving potato chips now...)

    1. LOL. I sure was craving chips when I pieced these. Hee! Hee! I had never heard of potato chip blocks until last year. Finally, I gathered up fabrics and decided to jump into another project. This is an addictive block for sure. Thank you so much, Lil and I wish you an awesome weekend. Hugs.

  17. Those potato chip blocks are as addictive as the chips in the bags! But they are so much fun. Yours look marvelous!

    1. They sure are, Elaine. I foresee many potato chip quilts in my future. LOL. Thank you so much for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  18. The fabrics you're using in the potato chip blocks are so cheery and colorful. Love the Boo and Jack Stamp!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Meari. Some of these fabrics are over 10 years old. It is nice to finally cut into those fabrics and use them in a quilt. Sometimes cutting the fabric is the hardest. LOL. Have a blessed day. Hugs.

  19. Whoops! I forgot to add my name to my previous comment.

  20. Love your pretty little potato chips! What a lovely quilt they will make. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

    1. Aaah thank you very kindly, Jennifer. These blocks are super fun and quick to make. I hope to piece a few more this weekend. Have a wonderful day. Hugs.

  21. What a great idea to make some blocks with dark on the outside and some blocks with light on the outside! I enjoyed your fun post today!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

    1. Oh thank you so much, Terry. I am looking forward to seeing how they will all look once that I piece a few more. I am enjoying them so far though. Have a blessed day. Hugs.

  22. Ohhhh I LOVE your chips!!! they look so yummy!! Those fabrics are just delightful!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Alycia. I am having a ball working on these blocks. I wish you a fabulous weekend. Hugs.

  23. What an adorable posting :)

    1. Aaah thank you very much, dear Sharon. You are so very kind . I always appreciate your sweet visit and kind compliments. You bring a smile to my day. Warm hugs and blessings.

  24. This is darling Melisa! Love the fabrics, I think I may have some of those prints. I’m trying to remember if my grandmothers ever made those cookies before. It sound familiar though!

    1. Hi Chari. I hope you are doing well. I am having a ball working on these blocks with these yummy fabrics. The colors just speak to me. Doesn't that recipe sound yummy? I can not wait to make it. I just love baking season. Have a beautiful and blessed day and thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  25. Oh my goodness, Melisa. That Toms display is perfect for holding a potato chip block, how clever of you. I love the looks of your quilt. It is coming along nicely.

    1. Isn't that rack the neatest? I was jumping for joy when I found it . It would cost me more to put the real chips on the clips than what I paid for it. LOL. So quilt chips will do just fine. Hee! Hee! Thank you so much, Jeanna. Hugs.
