
Tuesday, March 18, 2025

SPRING BANNER- A Spring Freebie

Hello, Sunshine! Welcome!

Oreo looks awful sweet and sassy today! She is another "barn cat" who decided not to live at the barn.Now tell me- How can one resist that sweet face? I sure can't. 

I  have a confession- I have not been doing a whole lot of Spring stitching. 😏😲

Since the last few days have been warm, I have been spending my time outside,  cleaning up the porches and patios. There are lots of chores to be done outdoors so stitching has gone to the wayside. 

The other night I sat down and designed a little piece though. I do hope to work on it soon.  It is a simple design with 2 bunnies holding a "Spring " banner. I have not settled on the colors for SPRING BANNER, but they will come to me soon. So I am posting this as a "CHOOSE YOUR OWN COLORS " Chart.   The colors in the chart may not represent the colors that I will use. But I  will post the flosses that I use in the future. 


If you are interested in stitching this piece,  just grab , the images. For printing tips, refer to the post Tips for Printing which has loads of tips from my sweet friends. 

🧵🧵🧵🧵🧵🧵🧵🧵🧵🧵🧵🧵🧵🧵🧵🧵🧵🧵 🧵🧵🧵🧵🧵🧵🧵🧵

UPDATE: March 18, 2025 The stitching of Spring Banner is complete .  I back stitched around the banner with DMC 503 which I did not chart this. I used the following floss colors:    


V                     3346

X                     610

U                     352

•                     3371

W                     Blanc

L                     503

O                     745

A little bit of country clutter. 

I will keep it short and sweet today. I will be spending most of the day outside bustling about. Perhaps this evening, I will pick up the needle and thread.  Have a beautiful day! 

As Always, 

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, y'all


Thank you for the sweet visit. 

A day in the garden is a good day! 

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

Dedicated to my baby sister, Amy. Love and miss you, Amo. 

Mr. Pinker bought 4 galvanized raised beds. He is putting them together and then we will move them and fill with dirt.  Eeeh! Let the gardening begin! 


  1. Très jolie petite grille que je vais vite faire . Moi aussi je vais faire quelques travaux de jardinage , mais le mien est beaucoup plus petit , ça suffit bien je n'ai pas la main verte.

    1. Good morning, dear Aline and Happy Tuesday. Oh , I am so honored that you will be adding the new design to your stitching list. I hope you enjoy each and every stitch. I just began mine. I wish you a lovely day working in the garden. I have a few things in the greenhouse just waiting to be pulled out , but it is still too cool for them to stay out . Hugs and Blessings.

  2. Busy days ahead as you work and enjoy your outdoor chores. I do not Yenjoy working outside - ick, ick, ick!!! No thank you!!! LOL
    I'm always either wearing my party shoes or have them handy to put on at the drop of cake and ice cream. LOL
    Guess what?? I've been spending time with my sewing machine. After quite a bit of thought I'm doing some things I haven't done in quite awhile. There's finally a spring in my step that's been missing for a few months. Can you feel the excitement in the air?? LOL
    BTW, I love your Spring banner - the bunnies are adorable. Happy Tuesday to you!!! Darlene J

    1. Eeeh the sewing machine is buzzing and humming! I am so happy you have your sewing mojo back ,dear Darlene. Oh yes, I can feel the excitement. It sounds like you have a special project or two in the works. I was able to sit down at the sewing machine this evening only to work on cross stitch finishes, but I am itching to work on some blocks. Hmm maybe tomorrow. Hee Hee! Have a fantastic day. Hugs.

  3. Enjoy the sunshine while clearing off the porches for future stitching time. The bunnies are cute.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Deb. I have to admit that I was so tempted to throw up my hands , pull out the needle and thread , sit on the swing and stitch the day away! But I persevered on cleaning. LOL. Have a blessed day. Hugs.

  4. Is Oreo inside now? She is beautiful. Those galvanized raised beds are keen! Will you fill them with soil from your farm or from bags?

    1. Hi , Linda. No Oreo has a cozy little place on the porch . The nephews fixed her a little "cat house" . We was hoping she and Double Stuff would tend to the barn keeping it clean from any mice, but they are leaving that to the other cats that are a little more wild. I am hoping to fill the beds with a mixture of farm soil and from bags. We do not have much soil in the holler- it is mostly chert so we have to bring in dirt . Thank you for the sweet Tuesday visit. I hope your day was a lovely one. Hugs.

  5. Thank you for your new pattern - thinking of doing the SPRING in variegated floss. Dd s also going to get those for raised beds for her garden - also 5 gallons buckets. Oreo is a cutie! Blessings!

    1. Oh you are so welcome, Donna. Variegated floss would look so lovely. I do need to stitch more in variegated floss. I do have a lot of pretty colors. I grew hot peppers and green peppers in 5 gallons buckets last year. They did pretty good too. I hope your daughter's garden does well. I am so looking forward to planting soon. Thank you for dropping by, Donna. Hugs and Blessings

  6. Oreo has a beautiful face! My daughter loves her galvanized raised beds for growing vegetables. I hope you will enjoy yours at least as much as she does!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

    1. I am so excited to try these out , Terry. Hubby bought 4 and he said we could get more later. I would love to grow herbs and perhaps tomatoes in these. We have built some out of wood in the past, but these should last longer. Thank you for the sweet Tuesday visit. Hugs.

  7. I couldn't resist Oreo's sweet little face either. Spring Banner is going to be another cute design. And I love the green galvanized planter. I think it would blend in well in the landscape.

    1. I was happy that the planters were green for that exact reason. I am looking forward to filling them with dirt here soon. Isn't Oreo the cutest? She is spoiled rotten. LOL. I hope you had a wonderful day, Jeanna and thank you for stopping by. Hugs.

  8. Cute Spring Banner, Melisa! And I agree, Oreo's face is just too sweet to make stay at a barn! I love black and white kitty cats! Have fun and enjoy the sunshine while you can. It will be fun to plant in your galvanized raised beds. I'd have to have mine about waist high to work for me! Have a blessed week, my dear! Hugs.

    1. I have to admit , Brenda that I would love to have some waist high planters too. I look forward to planting in these. Hopefully, we can expand later. We were lucky to get Oreo and her sister from the local vet. They are very sweet and too tame to want to stay at the barn. LOL. Have a fabulous day. Warm hugs.

  9. Very cute spring banner. We have a narrow window where it's spring then we go full summer sometime in early May. So I get why you are trying to get some stuff done outside.

    1. It sure has been nice these last few days to work outside. Your weather sounds about like ours. Yes I do want to beat the heat. It gets sweltering here. We also have a mosquito problem come spring through fall. So I try to beat the bugs before they go on the attack . Thank you for the sweet visit, Kate. I hope you had a great day in the quilt room. Hugs.

  10. Replies
    1. Aaw thank you from the bottom of my heart, Robin. I was able to work on it today and accomplished a lot. I went for a softer palette of colors. I hope you had a lovely day stitching. Warm hugs.

  11. Sweet new Spring Banner stitch. The bunnies make me smile. Thank you. I should be outside, too, but I have a "boo-boo" on my index finger that is pretty tender yet. I had a mishap with my rotary cutter. How could a veteran quilter do such a seriously dumb thing, you ask? My son and I asked the same thing. Must have been daydreaming or something. I was doing my own "Un-happy" dance around my sewing room and wailing to high heaven. Anyway, I did not get any red stuff on the fabric, but I probably could have used a few stitches. I smashed it together and Neo-d it and wrapped it up tight. Yesterday was the first day I changed the bandage to give it time to knit. Not very pretty but it's healing. It sure doesn't like to be bothered yet. Oh, those raised garden beds look wonderful. Do you have others or is this your first year of transitioning to them?

    1. Oh, Ginny that hurts me to think of the pain you were in! Ouch! I am surprised that you did not have to have stitches. It will be tender for awhile and will cut down on any hand stitching time I bet. Oh goodness! Do take care of it and I wish you a speedy recovery. I am excited to have the raised beds. We do not have much dirt here in the holler. Hubby made some wooden beds on the hill years ago, but nothing very substantial . So these will replace those. I also have been using 5 gallon buckets. The bigger garden is at my sister's who has a more open area and flat land. Now you take care of that finger and soon you will be sewing and bustling outside too. Big hugs.

  12. Beautiful spring design ready to be embroidered!
    Thanks for sharing.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Isabel. I started this little design today. Hopefully it will stitch up quick. Have a beautiful day. Warm hugs.

  13. Sandy A mustangsandyva@yahoo.comMarch 18, 2025 at 12:45 PM

    Love the new galvanized flower beds. Where did Mr Pinker find them? Some info on them please. Thank you. Have a great day.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Sandy. Hubby found those on Amazon . They were called Utopia Home Galvanized Raised Bed Kits. They were on sale for $34. They have different sizes but we bought 4 ft x 2 ft x 1 ft. If we like them, we are going to add more as time goes by. I hope you are able to find them if not let me know and I will send you a link. Warm hugs and Happy gardening.

  14. Thank you for another cute pattern. Everything you publish is on my to make list.

    1. Aaw I truly appreciate your warm compliment . It really means the world to me that you will be adding this to your stitch list. I hope you enjoy each and every stitch. Have a beautiful day. Hugs.

  15. How fun is your spring banner! I read on a gardening blog to fill large containers with old healthy branches on the bottom first, then fill the containers with dirt/soil. I don't remember why, perhaps for the weight? I'm sure your galvanized gardens will be so very pretty! Happy gardening!

    1. Oh that is a fabulous idea, plus the branches will eventually break down for nutrients. I am going to try that. Thank you so much for telling me that tip. I am hoping we will be able to fill them up soon when hubby has the time. Soon it will be planting season. Have a wonderful rest of the week. Warm hugs.

  16. Oh my gosh, is that ever cute! You know I'm going to have to stitch that one, Melisa. But first I have a few more snowballs to finish up! Your cat is sweet as can be - I wouldn't be able to resist that face either.

    1. Eeh I am so excited to hear that you will be adding it to your stitch list, Diann. I am anxious to see what colors you will choose. I sometimes struggle with colors . Your stitches are always so bright and cheerful which warms my heart. Happy quilting and stitching. Thank you so much . Hugs.

  17. thank you very much from France

    1. Aaah you are so welcome, Corinne and thank you for the sweet visit and message. You brought a smile to my day. Hugs.

  18. Did you ever make a Summer Stamp Sal? I can't find one. Thank you. Your blog is one of my absolute favorites!!! Your delightful stamps are the cutest little things!!!
