
Sunday, March 23, 2025

Planting and Quilting

 A lovely day to you! How has your weekend been so far? Mine has been rather nice. On Friday dad picked up some free shrubs and trees from the agriculture office. The freebies included redbuds, dogwoods, spice bushes and sweet shrubs.  I planted them yesterday at mine and my sister's homes . I look forward to seeing how they do in the future. 

From what I have researched, the spice bush is supposed to have small yellow blooms similar to the forsythia.  Are you familiar with this bush? 

My sister's forsythia. 

  Have you picked out your slow stitch project for the day?  I have at least one of mine. 

The first  is Love Letters. In 2023 , Kathleen Tracy of  A Sentimental 
Quilter offered a free quilt along. Of course I was up to the challenge.

Today I will be binding this wee quilt. 

Speaking of Kathleen Tracy. Her Civil War SAL is still going on and it is free for a short time. I am behind but will catch up soon. 


Kathleen Tracy at A Sentimental Quilter is hosting  a Civil War Mini Sew Along.  
She posted the Introduction in her  Feb. 27, 2025 post. 
Information about Block 1 was posted  in her Feb. 28, 2025 post. 
Information about Blocks 2 was posted in her March 7, 2025 post. 
Information for Block 3 was posted in her March 15, 2025 post.
                                Information for Block 4 was posted in her March 21, 2025 post. 

Working on Mini Tulip House

Now onto the plans for the week. 

Did I Get'r Done...Well Last Week's Goals were..  
✅ 🌞1.Work on Flaming Butterflies quilt.
🌞2.Work on potato chip blocks.  Six more light potato chips blocks completed. 

🌞3. Finish Little Girls block . ( Photo coming soon)
🌞4.Continue quilting my bow tie quilt
❌🌞5.Work on piecing more Mr. Snow blocks.   
🌞6. Begin new cross stitch. I started and finished Spring Banner which I posted on Tuesday as a freebie. 

Hmm.... What Should I do This Week? 
🌞1. Work on Flaming Butterflies quilt
🌞2.Work on new Little Girls block
🌞3. Quilt of Easter quilt
🌞4.Work on Durene Jones Easter cross stitch
🌞5.Bind Love Letters.    
🌞6. Begin new cross stitch. 

I am keeping it short and sweet today. Have  a blessed day.  🤗

As Always, 

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, y'all


Thank you for the sweet visit. 

"He who plants a tree, plants a hope"- Lucy Larcom

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

Dedicated to my baby sister, Amy. Love and miss you, Amo. 

I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needle workers to meet.

Frederique at   Quilting Patchwork Applique for Patchwork & Quilts - Saturday

Kathy at Kathy's Quilts for Slow Stitching Sunday

Kate at Life in Pieces for  Stitching Stuff ( Sunday) 

Cynthia at Quilting is More Fun Than Housework for Oh Scrap - Sunday 

Melva at Melva Loves Scraps for Sew & Tell- Sunday

Brenda at Songbird Designs for Monday Musings

Judy at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts for Design Wall Monday

Carol at Quilt Schmilt  for To Do List Tuesday 


  1. Happy Sunday, Melisa!! I had a very quiet day. I was in full production mode in my sewing spot. I planned and cut fabric for one little project and two larger ones. I'm excited about all three and hope to start sewing tomorrow. Set aside a little time to plan an applique project. I haven't enjoyed hand applique in well over a year so I'm very, very excited. A couple of days ago I chatted with a dear friend, and she shared that she sews at her machine every morning and then midafternoon into the evening she spends time enjoying hand work. I'd love to get on a similar schedule. I live a very quiet life so there's no reason I can't do something similar. I've been flailing with projects and stuff so I hope I can get mentally organized. Just like you make a weekly or daily schedule. Have a wonderful day! Hugs, DarleneJ

    1. Good evening, dear Darlene. Sounds like you have been a busy , busy bee. It just warms my heart to hear that you have your sewing mojo back . Oh I am excited to hear that you are planning an applique project. I just love applique it is so relaxing and a good project to take when you are on the go too. I really like your friends sewing schedule. I have the tendency to flutter from project to project at my whim. For some reason I sew on my machine better during the midday - well let's just say I make fewer mistakes. LOL. I hope you have a super week. I can not wait to hear more about your projects. Hugs.

  2. I see a week full of projects ahead for you!
    I hope it's fruitful.
    I love how you finished the spring banner, Melisa.

    1. I have my fingers crossed that I can at least get to half of them. Thank you so much for the sweet Sunday visit, Isabel. Warm hugs.

  3. How lovely to be planting our free trees and shrubs--I have never seen Spice Bush --we do have forsythias though, lining our yard's western border --some years they don't bloom much but others they really surprise us with a gorgeous spate of blossoms...
    I am continuing to work on Strawberries: all 3 berries are quilted now (YAY!!) and am working on the well as my Dark Days quilting--slow and steady for me...;)))
    Hugs for a wonderful week ahead Julierose

    1. Hi Julierose. It was a productive weekend in respect to getting the shrubs and trees in the ground. I have never seen a Spice Bush as well. I planted them in several locations hoping that at least one will make it. Fingers crossed. LOL. Oh I cannot wait to see your Strawberry quilt, Julierose. I know it is just beautiful and I love your Dark Days quilt. Have a wonderful week working on your quilting. Hugs.

  4. Forsythia is one of my favorite bushes! I'll be interested to see how your spice bush turns out. Hope you enjoy your Sunday!

    1. Forsythia is one of my favorite bushes as well. From my understanding the spice bush even has yellow leaves in the fall so I am hoping they will do well in our area. Have a fabulous week, Linda and thank you for dropping by. Hugs.

  5. You had a very good week on the stitching front. Good luck with your plans for this week. Happy slow stitching.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Kate. I did better than what I had expected. I hope this week will be just as productive. Have a blessed day . Hugs.

  6. I have never heard of a spice bush. I hope it grows for you, Melisa. Your sister's forsythia looks amazing. You had a wonderful week marking things off your list. I am meeting up with a group of stitchers for lunch and stitching at a vineyard later. Happy Sunday!

    1. I had never heard of a spice bush either, Robin. I planted several in different areas so hopefully at least one will make it. Lunch, stitching and meeting with friends- sounds like the perfect start to your week. I hope you had a great time, Robin. Warm hugs and thank you for dropping by.

  7. I haven't heard of a spice bush either; but, it sounds like an interesting plant! I do have a forsythia that blooms just outside the front door which is nice for spring color. I hope you meet all of your stitching goals this week!---TerryK@OnGoingProjects

    1. Forsythias are one of my favorite bushes. I used to have one in our yard until it had to be dug up because of the septic lines. I am looking forward to seeing if the spice bush makes it . Have a fabulous week, Terry. Hugs and Blessings.

  8. What a beautiful forsythia. Our season is quite a bit later than yours. We have a forsythia in front of our house and a small one on the edge of the front yard. Neither of them are doing much yet. Are you putting in the spice tree for it edible properties? You have kept busy all week and have accomplished so much. The Spring Banner finish is so sweet with the trims of lace and pink fabrics. More Potato Chips! Plus, a new house stitch start. Goodness! My finger is still VERY sensitive. We take our hands for granted with all that we use them for, don't we? I am working on quilting my Valentine banner.

    1. Good evening, Ginny. Oh, I do hope that your finger is getting better with each passing day. Do you still have it bandaged? It is sorta cumbersome working with your hands when one is injured. I had never heard of a spice bush until I received these. I watched several videos and found it interesting about the berries. I am going to research them more. I sure hope at least one of them survives. We have poor soil here in the holler so I planted several in different locations. Have a wonderful week working on your Valentines' banner. I bet it is adorable! Hugs.

  9. I love your blog and all your cross stitch and quilting. I have noticed a pink 4 patch in the background of a lot of posts. If sometime you have the time could you display it to show the complete quilt. I love it and it seems to tease with just small parts of it.

    1. Aaaw you just made my day! Thank you so much for such a heart warming compliment. I cannot tell you how much it means to me that you enjoy my blog. I am so humbled and you are so sweet. Oh yes, I will have to show that quilt when I get home ( I am away right now). I have an affection for small four patches and have slowly been creating a small collection of 4 patch quilts that I display here and there. I am so touched that you asked about it. I wish you a wonderful week and thank you again for bringing a big smile to my day. Hugs.

  10. I haven't heard of a spice bush, but I do love forsythia! All that happy yellow! Your hand quilting project is a sweet one, Melisa. I love how the half square triangles make envelopes. Such a cute finish for the Spring bunnies - I want to stitch that one. Hope you're having a lovely Sunday!

    1. I am looking forward to seeing how the spice bushes grow this season, Diann. I am going to research them more. If they do well maybe I can add more. I used to have a forsythia. They put on such a spectacular display of yellow. I do need to purchase another. I am looking forward to finishing Love Letters. It was a fun quilt to piece . Have a great week.. Hugs.

  11. How great getting some free plants! I know forsythia, but haven't heard of spice bush. Hope yours will thrive and give some nice flowers. You've been a busy bee, and it looks like the new week will keep you busy too. Love your cute spring banner. Pretty Love Letters and fun blocks too. We had a surprise visit so not much sewing. I'll continue quilting the house quilt this week.

    1. Hi Astrid. I hope your week is off to a lovely start. I was thrilled to receive the plants. I love trying to grow any type of plant. Sometimes I am successful ; sometimes I am not. Fingers crossed these bushes will survive. LOL. I hope you had a wonderful visit with your company, Astrid. Have a wonderful week in the quilt room this week. Looking forward to seeing your pretties in the work. Hugs.

  12. How great to get free plants, Melisa! I've never heard of a spice bush and didn't know the real name of Forsythia until now! My sweet mama always called them yellowbells and that's how they have been know to me. Never to old to learn!! LOL I would love a new dogwood, redbud and sweet shrub. My aunt had one and they smelled SEW good! The Mini Tulip House looks like a great start. I hope you enjoyed your slow stitching Sunday and got that wee little quilt all bound and ready to hang! Have a wonderful week. Hugs.

    1. I was over the moon to receive the plants especially the dogwoods and redbuds. Redbuds are my favorite tree and one that I can grow and transplant easily. I am looking forward to seeing how the spice bush does. Oh , I have never heard the term yellowbells, but I love that name for forsythia! They blooms certainly look like teeny yellow bells. I am going to remember that! I wish you a lovely week, Brenda. Thank you for dropping by . Hugs.

  13. Oh, goodness! You get free shrubs from your ag office? We can order bundles of different treesshrubs from our DNR but have to pay for them although they are deeply discounted. Back in the day we used to plant about 50 trees a year mostly for firewood because at that time our house was heated only by wood. Well, anyway...yes, I have a spice bush. It's fragrant. I've had mine for a long time and it's planted in rather a shady area and so has stayed small. The flowers are yellow and are kind of like puff balls - rounded clusters. I have Forsythia too and was thinking of taking cuttings for more bushes and taking cuttings to

    bring in house to bloom. I always THINK but never get around to doing some things. And, my, aren't you working on such a lot of lovely things!

    1. We were thrilled to pieces with the plants that we received. They usually go pretty quick at our ag office especially since they are free. It is so interesting to hear about your spice bush, Cathy. I planted several in the shade hoping mine will stay small. We have poor growing conditions here in the holler so it will be interesting to see how they do. I have wondered if I could take cutting from the forsythia and propagate more. I am going to try that. I have taken some cuttings of roses and am trying to propagate them now. Thank you so much for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  14. You have some lovely projects to work on, as usual. Those are some nice plants...escpecially to get them for free!

  15. We have a couple of forsythia bushes in our back yard. They're the first to bloom, although there's no sign of them blooming yet!
